HD 4770 or HD 4850


Mar 29, 2009
HD 4770:
BUILD: http://img32.imageshack.us/i/hd4770.png/
TOTAL: http://img29.imageshack.us/i/hd47702.png/


HD 4850:
BUILD: http://img15.imageshack.us/i/hd4850.png/
TOTAL: http://img200.imageshack.us/i/hd48502.png/

My budget is $500, and I don't know which one to choose 😛 , I only play COD4(only game I have, I might buy COD:WAW, Starcraft 2, and MW:2 soon. Maybe Crysis just to try it out 😀)

I want to upgrade from my Pentium D 820+8600GT soon. it's loud and runs hot :|\

RESOLUTION: 1280x1024

^It does come with a 6-Pin PCI-E connector. And the card comes with an adapter just in case(molex)

So HD 4850 it is or. . . other thoughts?

EDIT: playing at 1280x1024 also if that matters...
4850 : Longer card, more heat, uses more power, available right now with prices cheaper than the 4770, little bit better performance.

4770 : Shorter card, less heat, uses less power, not much in stock, prices gone up a little bit with demand.

I have seen the 4850 around $75 or $80 after rebate, where as the 4770 is currently around $110 or $120 with no rebate. I would go with the 4850.

If you can get a 4770 cheaper, take that especially if you plan on overclocking.

At the same price it's very close. The 4850 is faster but it's also noisier and hotter. I personally would choose the 4770 in this case because I'd rather have 5% less performance and 100% less noise.

If the 4770 is more expensive, buy the 4850.

with the promo code at the top of the page, you get a hdmi capable 4850 for $85, and thats BEFORE REBATE!!!

i ordered this for my brother when it was packaged with a free hdmi cable... a $75 AR 4850 sounds like a great deal to me, and don't forget BING CASHBACK which brings it down to 72.50. that is a monster deal man, and its an aftermarket heatsink, which will run nice and cool, and will overclock nicely


when you put it in your cart, it comes with a free $15 HDMI cable! THIS IS A STEAL
Looks like I'm with the HD 4850. Not only the Price, but also the Sapphire version
(HD 4770, cheapest one lol.) is out of stock.

Thanks for the help guys lol
I have seen several sources citing that AMD is going to have a price cut on the HD48XX series around the month of July. The main reason for this is that they can not produce enough 4770s to fill that market niche, plus the new HD58XX series will be releasing around the September - October time frame so they have to clean out their stock of 48XXs.


This is a no-brainer. The HD4850 with out a doubt. From what I understand they are going to drop the price below the century mark. The yields on the 4770s are not very good thus increasing it's production costs.

I don't have this card but I would highly recommend the HIS ICE-Q4 HD4850 Turbo. SPEND the xtra money on it. It is worth it.