HD 7950 or GTX 660 Ti?


Nov 19, 2012
I really am confused on which to go for since there's only about a $30 difference between the two.. I will be playing graphic intensive games like BF3 and such, also a little video rendering (if that matters) and photo editing.

When I previously looked up benchmarks, it said the GTX 660 Ti was a clear winner and yet $30 cheaper. But now I hear that with AMD Catalyst 12.11 the HD 7950 tramps all over the GTX 660 Ti, this really led to the confusion.

Will you:

-play on multiple monitors
-crank up the resolution to 1440p+ or do 8x/16x AA/AF

Then, 7950 is the clear winner.

If you want:

-stock performance
-(arguably) more reliability
-better build quality

Performance wise the Radeon 7950 wins with about 5-7%.

Gaming experience?

GTX 660Ti wins.
Physx, TXAA and adaptive vsync will give you better visuals in some of the top games and smoother gameplay.



Adaptive vsync




Not to forget FXAA. FXAA can be enabled in some games, such as Skyrim and Borderlands 2. But if you got the new 600 series, you can put FXAA on in every game, every app - Just on anything. FXAA is meant for people with a little lower performance GPU or in very demanding games, that will give you the benefits of some decent AA, but won't drag too much performance.

Yes, now that you say it, I could go for a GTX670.. Thanks!