Question Headers max splitter


Mar 15, 2021
Currently I have two fans connected to a Y splitter plugged into CHA2. I bought another y splitter to plug into CHA1. But I was wondering if I could daisy chain the splitter to the splitter already attached to the CHA2 header. I
what motherboard do you have?

Normally the headers are rated for 1 amp, and rule of thumb is 2 fans per header. If you have to add more fans to a single header i would not go over a total of .75amps. Also remember that the startup amps on the fan will draw more then the actual run amps the the fan is rated at.
I have an ASUS Prime B550m-a
I have been looking in the manual but I really don’t know much about PCs. The reason I am wondering is because I won’t have to route the intake fan all the way to CHA1. But if I can’t do the daisy chain then I’ll do that.
What faalin says is right. What you have not told us is what FANS you have. You need to find the max CURRENT (in amps) each is rated for. Often it is 0.10 to 0.25 A per fan max. Add up those for ALL the fans on ONE header and that must not exceed 1.0 A total.