Headset Microphone/Audio Issues


Jul 15, 2013
I recently purchased a Rosewill RHTS-8206 USB headset, and have run into a bit of an issue. The speakers work fine normally, but when they are working the microphone does not work. Then when I am screwing with the settings in control panel, the microphone starts to work, but when this happens the speakers stop putting out sound. I have downloaded all the relevant drivers from Rosewill's site, as well as the ones for my sound card, a Asus Xonar DG. Is there an option that I am missing or can my headphones not handle doing sound and recording out of the same USB jack. I have set the speakers and microphone as default, set communications activity to do nothing, and have tried both my USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connectors. Any ideas on what to try?
When you say "speakers" do you mean the headset or actual speakers you have on the computer? If the headset, your headset speakers and the mic should work at the same time, make sure you have the right recording and playback devices selected. Make sure you go over the options carefully and don't change several things at once, go though one at a time. You can always contact Rosewill support also.


Jul 15, 2013

Yeah, I meant the headset. I have the USB device selected for both recording and playback. I tried changing each option, with reboots after a lot of them, but it seems to have no bearing on whether the headset or the microphone is working