Hearse users



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I've just left a brilliant bones file on Hearse for one of you lucky
punters. Big Ears the Chaotic Elf Ranger was doing very well when he
got confused in the quest, hit Orion and got banished. Since there was
no way back the game was unwinnable (I think). He headed down to his
extremely large stash in Minetown, stripped naked, put all of his
posessions into a box and then slapped the priest.

Needless to say he was reduced to a fine red mist in a single turn.
I'm not telling you what's in the chest, but suffice to say that
somebody is going to have a very good day!

Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Alexis wrote:
> If I ran into an ascension kit without any challenge in Minetown,
> spoil my game entirely.
> Cheers,
> -- A.

Apologies - I should have been more clear. It wasn't a full AK by any
means - a CoMR, about 30 scrolls and a similar number of potions, 2-3
amulets (one was reflection), several of the minor artefacts that I'd
gained through sacrificing (Trollsbane, Ogresmasher and similar) and
Stormy which I gained when crowned. It was a good start, but there was
still a long, long way to go.

Certainly if I found I bones file like this then I wouldn't regard it
as spoiling the game - there was no DSM, no boots of speed, no BoH (or
indeed any bags/sacks at all), no wishes of any sort, limited useful
scrolls & potions and a huge pile of unidentified gems, almost all of
which were undoubtedly worthless.

I think that this sort of bones file is actually one of the most
challenging to deal with in the early game due to the sheer quantity of
unidentified stuff lying around.

Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

drdarthvader@hotmail.com wrote:
> I've just left a brilliant bones file on Hearse for one of you lucky
> punters. Big Ears the Chaotic Elf Ranger was doing very well when he
> got confused in the quest, hit Orion and got banished. Since there was
> no way back the game was unwinnable (I think). He headed down to his
> extremely large stash in Minetown, stripped naked, put all of his
> posessions into a box and then slapped the priest.

I've zapped this bones file. Leaving 'set up' bones files for people is
cheating, in my book or, at the very least, it's playing way outside the
terms of the game.

If I ran into an ascension kit without any challenge in Minetown, it'd
spoil my game entirely.


-- A.

My email address is hearse[AT]hotpop[DOT]com

Hearse Windows/Unix client: http://hearse.krollmark.com
Hearse announcements: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hearseannounce
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Alexis wrote:
> drdarthvader@hotmail.com wrote:
>>I've just left a brilliant bones file on Hearse for one of you lucky
>>punters. Big Ears the Chaotic Elf Ranger was doing very well when he
>>got confused in the quest, hit Orion and got banished. Since there was
>>no way back the game was unwinnable (I think). He headed down to his
>>extremely large stash in Minetown, stripped naked, put all of his
>>posessions into a box and then slapped the priest.
> I've zapped this bones file. Leaving 'set up' bones files for people is
> cheating, in my book or, at the very least, it's playing way outside the
> terms of the game.
> If I ran into an ascension kit without any challenge in Minetown, it'd
> spoil my game entirely.
> Cheers,
> -- A.

Is it still bad if it's set up the other way? I've never had it happen,
but I always figured if my game became unwinnable, I'd do my best to
leave the nastiest bones file possible.
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Alexis wrote:
> drdarthvader@hotmail.com wrote:

>> I've just left a brilliant bones file on Hearse for one of you lucky
>> punters. Big Ears the Chaotic Elf Ranger was doing very well when he
>> got confused in the quest, hit Orion and got banished. Since there
>> was no way back the game was unwinnable (I think). He headed down
>> to his extremely large stash in Minetown, stripped naked, put all of
>> his posessions into a box and then slapped the priest.

If you already sopke to him before you hit him, he may already have
opened up the stairs down. In that case, you could convert yourself to
neutral, wish for the Eye of the Aethiopica, and use it to go through a
magic portal and back into the Quest.

Your game may have left some possibilities...

> I've zapped this bones file. Leaving 'set up' bones files for people
> is cheating, in my book or, at the very least, it's playing way
> outside the terms of the game.

> If I ran into an ascension kit without any challenge in Minetown, it'd
> spoil my game entirely.

Mine as well. Thanks for the precautions. By the way, I hope you tested
the bones file first, to check that you didn't accidentally zap another
bones file: it is by no means certain that he did indeed leave a bones

That would be the ultimate cheat failure: going through all the right
moves to make such a bones file, only to have the game not generate one
at all (for example, because there already *was* a bones level for Mine
Town in the playground, which would by no means be unusual).

Boudewijn Waijers (kroisos at home.nl).

The garden of happiness is surrounded by a wall so low only children
can look over it. - "the Orphanage of Hits", former Dutch radio show.
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Andy Johnson wrote:
> Alexis wrote:

>> I've zapped this bones file. Leaving 'set up' bones files for
>> people is cheating, in my book or, at the very least, it's playing
>> way outside the terms of the game.

> Is it still bad if it's set up the other way? I've never had it
> happen, but I always figured if my game became unwinnable, I'd do my
> best to leave the nastiest bones file possible.

I wouldn't call it cheating, but it can certainly take the fun out of a
game for someone else, especially if such a level would have been left
at, say, level 10-15 or somesuch. A player wouldn't be able to handle a
very difficult bones level by then (try filling the bigroom with
nasties!), but losing a character that deep would still be quite a major
loss for most people.

When one of my games became unwinnable, I would count my losses and
quit. It's quick, and suicide is painless.

Boudewijn Waijers (kroisos at home.nl).

The garden of happiness is surrounded by a wall so low only children
can look over it. - "the Orphanage of Hits", former Dutch radio show.
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

In article <d3udl6$ohn$1@joe.rice.edu>,
Andy Johnson <swervy.a@take-this.out.gmail.com> wrote:

>Is it still bad if it's set up the other way? I've never had it happen,
>but I always figured if my game became unwinnable, I'd do my best to
>leave the nastiest bones file possible.

The mistake is coming on r.g.r.n. and bragging about it.

Often people think they've left some amazing bones pile, but to another
player it might not seem so very lucrative. Magic resistance,
reflection, a pile of enchanted armor, and so forth, are great finds,
but that alone might still not be enough to stop the game from being a
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Boudewijn Waijers wrote:
> When one of my games became unwinnable, I would count my losses and
> quit. It's quick, and suicide is painless.

Hell no- you think your deity is going to give you an easy afterlife
after you wussed out of your destined-since-birth divine purpose? Since
things are going to be rough after you die, you should make the best of
whatever mortal time remains for you: Climb back up to Dlvl1 and leave
the dungeon via the stairs. Then you can go back and buy up your old
village with the thousands of zorkimids yo acquired in the dungeon,
lording it over the yokels with your artifact weapons and pet rock
troll, scaring the bejeezus out of their scruffy kids with your rings
of polymorph/ poly control and making excellent use of that +oCharm
Monster with all the local peasant girls...

YANI: If you die in the dungeon, your standing with your God should
somehow affect your death message/ gravestone/ record file: If your god
was angry with you, you must spend eternity in some kind of hell, limbo
or undead form. If happy, at least you can go on to some kind of
pleasant afterlife.

YAYANI: A nethack-spinoff in which the goal is not to retrieve the
amulet, but to get enough weapons and experience to arm your villagers
and defeat the local tyrant described above. Of course, the early
levels of the dungeon would be severely depleted by his journey through
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Alexis wrote:
> Oh, that's not quite so bad then. And getting lots of the
> artifacts makes it harder to get the ones you actually want :)
> But 'set up' bones files do go against the whole spirit of the thing,
> I will leave it zapped.
> Cheers,
> -- A.

Ok - I'll remember that is future. It just seemed a shame at the time
for all that hard work to go to waste!

Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

swervy.a@take-this.out.gmail.com wrote:
> Is it still bad if it's set up the other way? I've never had it happen,
> but I always figured if my game became unwinnable, I'd do my best to
> leave the nastiest bones file possible.

For my money, yes. Bones files should be the result of your character
honestly dying, not someone *deciding to die* in order to leave a great
/ awful bones file.

That said, I'd rather run into a dozen trolls on level 6 ("Quick!
Where's my wand of digging?") than an ascension kit on level 7. But
that's just my opinion.

-- A.

My email address is hearse[AT]hotpop[DOT]com

Hearse Windows/Unix client: http://hearse.krollmark.com
Hearse announcements: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hearseannounce
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

drdarthvader@hotmail.com wrote:
> Apologies - I should have been more clear. It wasn't a full AK by any
> means - a CoMR, about 30 scrolls and a similar number of potions, 2-3
> amulets (one was reflection), several of the minor artefacts that I'd
> gained through sacrificing (Trollsbane, Ogresmasher and similar) and
> Stormy which I gained when crowned. It was a good start, but there was
> still a long, long way to go.

Oh, that's not quite so bad then. And getting lots of the minor/useless
artifacts makes it harder to get the ones you actually want :)

But 'set up' bones files do go against the whole spirit of the thing, so
I will leave it zapped.


-- A.

My email address is hearse[AT]hotpop[DOT]com

Hearse Windows/Unix client: http://hearse.krollmark.com
Hearse announcements: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hearseannounce
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

In article <d3uepc$2dp$1@news2.zwoll1.ov.home.nl>,
Boudewijn Waijers <kroisos@REMOVETHISWORD.home.nl> wrote:
>Andy Johnson wrote:
>> Alexis wrote:
>>> I've zapped this bones file. Leaving 'set up' bones files for
>>> people is cheating, in my book or, at the very least, it's playing
>>> way outside the terms of the game.
>> Is it still bad if it's set up the other way? I've never had it
>> happen, but I always figured if my game became unwinnable, I'd do my
>> best to leave the nastiest bones file possible.
>I wouldn't call it cheating, but it can certainly take the fun out of a
>game for someone else, especially if such a level would have been left
>at, say, level 10-15 or somesuch. A player wouldn't be able to handle a
>very difficult bones level by then (try filling the bigroom with
>nasties!), but losing a character that deep would still be quite a major
>loss for most people.

Speak for yourself. I'd find it quite entertaining. An unexpected
challenge, or an unexpected reward would be a nice bit of variety,
even if I didn't survive. But then I die regularly, so this would just
be a novel way to the same end.


Malcolm Ryan - malcolmr@cse.unsw.edu.au - http://malcolmr.web.cse.unsw.edu.au

Australia currently has 86 children in detention.
Kids don't belond in detention centres. http://www.chilout.org/
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

Boudewijn Waijers wrote on Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:33:05 +0200:
> Alexis wrote:
> > drdarthvader@hotmail.com wrote:
> >> I've just left a brilliant bones file on Hearse for one of you lucky
> >> punters. Big Ears the Chaotic Elf Ranger was doing very well when he
> >> got confused in the quest, hit Orion and got banished. Since there
> >> was no way back the game was unwinnable (I think). He headed down
> >> to his extremely large stash in Minetown, stripped naked, put all of
> >> his posessions into a box and then slapped the priest.
> If you already sopke to him before you hit him, he may already have
> opened up the stairs down. In that case, you could convert yourself to
> neutral, wish for the Eye of the Aethiopica, and use it to go through a
> magic portal and back into the Quest.

Note that it isn't enough for Orion to have "opened up the stairs". You
would have had to have used the stairs at least once before being

"Sometimes I stand by the door and look into the darkness. Then I
am reminded how dearly I cherish my boredom, and what a precious
commodity is so much misery." -- Jack Vance
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

In article <1113783766.557935.271230@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
Darth. <drdarthvader@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Apologies - I should have been more clear. It wasn't a full AK by any
>means - a CoMR, about 30 scrolls and a similar number of potions, 2-3
>amulets (one was reflection)

How much of that was the result of emptying the shops?

An empty minetown with a full bones-bag isn't a net gain.
Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (More info?)

james wrote:
> How much of that was the result of emptying the shops?
> An empty minetown with a full bones-bag isn't a net gain.

About 20% from shops, 40% from the main dungeon and 40% from monster
