Hector Ruiz on Cramer's Wall of Shame


Apr 10, 2007
James Ogg of 24/7 Wall St has also jumped on the bandwagon:

I have been eying Hector Ruiz and Ed Zander, and both should go. The only issue here is that in the case of Ruiz, there is a massive management gap and he is very much in charge. Zander is very replaceable



AMD will have a Special meeting of Stockholders on Monday, July 16, 2007 9 a.m. CT (10 a.m. ET). Prolly to discuss fab light strategy? Privatization? Anyway, for his sake, I hope Hector has some answers....


May 13, 2007
hector made amd have a lead for a few years, amds current state is because of intel not hector
Nope AMD stated they they believed that intels new cpu architecture would not beat their current one how wrong were they well thats what I heard and I have to say I believe it, It makes me wonder what were they doing in those few years the had the superior architecture apart from releasing revisions. Somethings gotta give not necessarily a new CEO though.


Jan 3, 2007
First of all, Hector Ruiz despite several major recent mistakes also did loads of good decisions in the past. Without him AMD would be much smaller and with lower market share. Even those mistakes are debatable, its not on one mans shoulders to invent next gen processor.

About Cramer - he is dirty stock market player, and if he puts Ruiz on the hall of shame, I couldnt care less. Some info about him from the above link:
"In March 2007, a December 2006 interview from TheStreet.com's "Wall Street Confidential" webcast stirred controversy after it appeared on YouTube.com. In the video, Cramer described activities used by hedge fund managers to manipulate stock prices; some illegal and some debatably legal.[10] He described how he could push stocks higher or lower with as little as $5 million in capital when he was running his hedge fund. Cramer said, "A lot of times when I was short, I would create a level of activity beforehand that would drive the futures." He also encouraged hedge funds to engage in this type of activity because it is "a very quick way to make money." Cramer claimed that everything he did was legal, but that illegal activity is common in the hedge fund industry. He also stated that some hedge fund managers spread false rumors to drive a stock down: " ...it's important to create a new truth, to develop a fiction."[11] Cramer said one strategy to keep a stock price down is to spread negative rumors to reporters he described as "the Pisanis of the world". "You have to use these guys," said Cramer. He also discussed getting "the bozo reporter from The Wall Street Journal" to publish a negative article.[12] Cramer said this practice, although illegal, is easy to do "because the SEC doesn't understand it."[13] [14]"


Nov 1, 2006
That's how the market works, the company says that it will do good this year and blah blah blah BAM the stock goes up, from what i read that's pretty much what he did and it worked for him, why cause maybe the company did do good.

Ruiz did do alot good for AMD, but just like it was mentioned already, he got complacent, they rub Intel's nose in the dirt for 2-3 years and did nothing but try to get fatter(i dont blame them). Intel did the same thing at the begining of the P4 era, but they learned too a while but they came back. AMD needs to do the same thing, and just like you said it is not his responsability to created the next big architecture. BULLSHIT it is, it is his company, who else are you going to blame the actual engineer? Sure you could, but if that was the problem he should have been fired moved or something else. He's the CEO overall responsible. Come look how much money he has made since he's been at AMD, still with the company having a hard time he's making bank.


Feb 7, 2006
Lets face it AMD sat on it's ass while it had the best cpu in town.
Intel out spent them to make a faster cpu, and is now selling them at fire sale prices. Prices I might add that they should have been selling at all along.
Now Intel is selling cpus at a lower price to kill off AMD, truly an anti competitive move.

AMD need to now put out the next great cpu, or be relegated to the dust bin of history.

I say enjoy the cheaper prices while you can, as they will not last long after AMD dies.


Let's not forget Henri Richards in all this. He's put out more BS than most people can take, and yet he doesn't seem to understand the fact. Does anyone believe him when he says something anymore? Does anybody really listen when he speaks?

I won't say much about Cramer. He may be a skunk of sorts, but I don't think he's a fool.


Jul 8, 2006
Jim Cramer is a fool

Oh yeah, so have you made your $100 million yet??? Aparently he might have. :roll:


Oh EasyG this news cannot be sitting well with AMD supporters, sorry to hear so much trouble for AMD, but at this point Ruiz looks more like a leach than a CEO to a great but trouble AMD.

While I agree that Ruiz is not a good CEO and has made mistakes, the fact that anyone has made 100 million does not mean they aren't a fool. It means they're not stupid. I know many bright people in positions of authority who do foolish things. Being a fool and being smart are not opposites.

That said, I don't know anything about Cramer because I think all the stock analysts and other speculators ruin capitalism by making it all about short term gains in the markets and not long term strategies. Companies sometimes need to take time to develop, especially after mergers. Yet, the first minor mistake leads stock to drop and analysts (who are mostly fools) to wag their tongues.

I'm not a Microsoft fan, don't like the way they gained a monopoly in the PC OS business, but when they were finally forced to own up to the red ring of death on the Xbox 360, their stock should have either shot up or remained stable, but it dropped. All because analysts and other fools see a billion to fix a problem as hurting the value of the company, whereas I see it as creating good will and showing corporate responsibility and should enhance the value of a company.

Fools in the business of analyzing stocks and companies are the reason more CEO's aren't forthcoming and why there's more spin that damages goodwill between customers and the company. It is the customer who buys the product, the analysts just recommend stock. Stock should represent ownership in a company, not a lottery ticket bought and sold short based on the speculative musings of fools who don't know a business.


Jim Cramer is a fool

Oh yeah, so have you made your $100 million yet??? Aparently he might have. :roll:


Oh EasyG this news cannot be sitting well with AMD supporters, sorry to hear so much trouble for AMD, but at this point Ruiz looks more like a leach than a CEO to a great but trouble AMD.

dude wikipedia is not a reliable site!

And what? Are you disputing the information about Cramer on Wikipedia? Do you have information contrary to what it says? If so, tell us and give the linkage that we might see this information.


Mar 27, 2009
Sorry for dridgeing up the dead but i dont think people know alot about the AMD dynamic. When richards left the crap talking still existed due to ruiz, Henry was a mouthpiece for that little napolean disorder.

I think richards resigned because of the negative flack he was getting due to Ruiz's speech writing. That must have sucked. The longer more damaging trend is dirk meyers anti competition attitude.

He was behind the 90nm has alot of life left in it that made c2d the king

behind the fud that c2d wouldnt take the crown

that am2 would be a suitable upgrade

and recently where he said Intels ideal of performance was only one way of looking at how a chip is useful or whatever.

Interesting and sad to note that it may very well have been Dirk all along that caused sales slumps with underperforming cpu’s.

in 04 AMD issued a statement that was basically sidestepping the move to 65nm saying” there is plenty of life left in 90nm”

in 06 feb a statement was issued that AMD wasnt worried about the Intel core lineup of processors, due to the meager gains of the first generation of oct 05 core releases which actually made alot of ground against 939. It was 4 months later that Intel destroyed the performance of AMD’s socket 939 and in a feeble attempt to put on a show AMD released Am2 Which was obsolete the day it left the fab, and has never taken any decent ground back from Core 2 processors.

Only phenom2’s released a few months ago, have made any ground against Intel core 2 chips, and then i7 came out, And AMD has this to say(below).

And now the man in his own words doing it again. Bear in mind they expected opterons barcelona to get up to a 60% performance boost and it never happend, the chip was an abysmal failure as was the 4×4 gaming platform when you compared performance per watt per price and instructions per clock. In fact AMD seems to have settled on a meager 2IPC to intels 3. At least thats kinda the feeling you get by listening to DIRK sell his religion as gospel.

Id like you to consider these points dirk and also consider that the favorite definition of insanity around most americans is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

AMD cannot ever afford this type of lackluster attitude. for any major shareholders they need to tell Dirk that is not a position that is acceptable.


Q1: How does AMD plan to compete with Intel’s Core 2 dual-core generation? How do you plan to go up against Core i7?

A1: Well, first I would like to start by saying that we are increasingly focused on end-users and what they are trying to do with their PCs and datacenters. In clients, that means enabling a much more graphics-intensive experience for their dollar. And in servers, it’s about giving them a superior system TCO, including seamless upgradability and things like power and cooling costs. So, the direct CPU to CPU comparison is becoming a lot less relevant over time.
That said, AMD-based systems are designed to deliver maximum value across all price points. And unlike Intel’s Core i7 processors that require an expensive system upgrade, AMD Phenom II processors can be used in many existing motherboards, enabling a more affordable single component upgrade. Maximum value may mean delivering a top-of-the-line PC experience, with performance tuning headroom or a superior HD entertainment experience on HD-capable panels. With that in mind, AMD launched “Dragon” platform technology at CES which combines some of the most competitive components in the industry to deliver superior performance at an incredible value.