My configuration for a new PC is almost final. Want to place order today. Need help in choosing RAM.
Use- Photoshop & gaming
CPU - i7-2600
Mobo- Asus P8Z68 V Pro
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper N620 CPU Cooler
Graphics - Asus 560Ti (single card now, may add one later in SLI)
Case - Cooler Master 690 II
Monitor-Keyboard-Mouse got already
PSU - Corsair 850 W
SSD - 160GB for boot & HDD for storage
Overclocking - I am not interested in manual overclocking. If there is simple one-click solution then yes.
1. Should I get 8GB or 16GB? Will it make big difference?
2. DDR3-1333 or DDR-1600? what is supported on this setup?
3.i72600 & P8Z68 - does this combination support quad channel RAM? Should I go for dual channel or quad channel?
4. I see all RAMs with CL9 in the market. Where are CL8 or CL7 RAMs? Please give model no. Prefer Corsair or Gskill.
5. If I get 2x4GB kit now, can add one more 2x4GB kit (same model) later? Or does it have to be 4x4GB kit?
Please help.
Use- Photoshop & gaming
CPU - i7-2600
Mobo- Asus P8Z68 V Pro
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper N620 CPU Cooler
Graphics - Asus 560Ti (single card now, may add one later in SLI)
Case - Cooler Master 690 II
Monitor-Keyboard-Mouse got already
PSU - Corsair 850 W
SSD - 160GB for boot & HDD for storage
Overclocking - I am not interested in manual overclocking. If there is simple one-click solution then yes.
1. Should I get 8GB or 16GB? Will it make big difference?
2. DDR3-1333 or DDR-1600? what is supported on this setup?
3.i72600 & P8Z68 - does this combination support quad channel RAM? Should I go for dual channel or quad channel?
4. I see all RAMs with CL9 in the market. Where are CL8 or CL7 RAMs? Please give model no. Prefer Corsair or Gskill.
5. If I get 2x4GB kit now, can add one more 2x4GB kit (same model) later? Or does it have to be 4x4GB kit?
Please help.