
Aug 24, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: This week

Budget Range: 250$

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Low gaming performance, everyday use.

Parts Not Required: Keyboard, mouse, monitor, OS, video card, hard drive and optical drive.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:

Country of Origin: United States

Parts Preferences: None

Overclocking: No

SLI or Crossfire: No

Monitor Resolution: 1024x768, 1280x1024

Additional Comments:

Mobo: BIOSTAR A770E3 AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard

Power Supply: Antec BP550 Plus 550W Continuous Power ATX12V V2.2 80 PLUS Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply

RAM: Wintec AMPX 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model 3AXH1333C9WS4GK

CPU: AMD Athlon II X3 445 Rana 3.1GHz 3 x 512KB L2 Cache Socket AM3 95W Triple-Core Desktop Processor ADX445WFGMBOX

Case: APEX Vortex 3620 SGCC / ABS ATX Mid Tower Gaming Computer Case

This is what I have so far. I'm using this as a low gaming performance rig for a game that will be coming out soon called Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad (Enhanced Unreal Engine 3 game which I will be running on a Radeon HD 4670). The hard drive is from a Dell Dimension 9100, which has a P5 molex connecter and a SATA connector. It has Windows 7 32 bit installed so I'm wondering if this would be compatible with the rig? Also are all the parts compatible or is there something that needs to be change? Please leave feedback, comments or tips. Thank you.


Sep 30, 2009
I would get the Phenom II x2 555 isntead: Your motherboard has the option to unlock cores. It's not a guarantee quad core but if you manage to do it.. you'll pretty much end up with a Phenom II quad core for less than $90. If you failed to do it, then you will end up with a dual edition black edition processor which translate to.. awesome unlocked multiplier for overclocking. Either way you don't really lose. Otherwise your build looks good and I think it will work fine. The 550W is more than enough actually to power your system. I think you only need around 400 but it said it's modular so whatever. You'll be fine with your system :)
Well, this is fine considering your budget. I don't see a problem with the hard drive however you do know you'll have to do a fresh install on the OS? Make sure you back up everything.

I don't see much of an upgrade path there. Here's an AM3+ motherboard that is $60 but has a $10 rebate and would be great for upgrading later to bulldozer:

Probably a better board all around anyway, the SB710 is a fairly old chipset.
Oh yeah, if it were me, I'd get the 720BE CPU and buy a $30 cooler. This way you'd be guaranteed triple core performance with the option to try and unlock a 4th core. Plus you'd have the unlocked multiplier for overclocking if you wanted to try that. Great CPU for $70!

I have mine overclocked to 3.6 Ghz from 2.8 with a simple BIOS multiplier change to 18X, and a small voltage bump. You could likely hit 3.4-3.5 without any voltage change.


Jun 9, 2010
Firstly, if you want adaquate gaming performance and don't multitask much (running 4 or more programs simultaneously), then you should consider the new AMD F1 chips. You can later add a second Graphics card and it basically runs in Crossfire mode.

However, for the cheapest build...
#1: Buy this Logisys power supply for only $25. I've installed 4 in the last year and zero problems
#2: Wintec RAM is awesome. Good choice.
#3: Mobo should be fine. However, Buzznut is right. You should consider something AM3+ for the future.
#4: Case is a matter of preference. I just purchased the Rosewill gaming case and it is extremely well built for $50.
#5: Since you have $100 left, I'd buy a quad core as ANY quad core will beat the tar out of a dual or tri core (even if you overclock them) Either of these would be great...

Let me know. Hope this helped somewhat.