Help, network setup


Jul 9, 2007
in my house i have 5 desktop pc's, an xbox 360, and a ps3 running on a wired network with a router and a switch.

but i have just bought a netbook and my grandparents that live right next door to me have decided to buy a new laptop

so im thinking why not just get a good wireless setup so my grandparents can get rid of there internet plan to save them money. but i need to find out what wireless router would work the best for us.

so i need a router that will be able to handle at least 200feet and be able to go through 2 houses with reasonable speed for surfing the web

my plan is to keep the setup i have now with all my desktops and game consoles hook up to the router and switch i have now because that stuff is in my basement and then put the new wireless router in my room so i can get better signal

so it will be modem-router-wireless router

1. what router will be the best for me
2. is this the best approach for me

im not really set for a price im just looking for the most reasonable solution

im thinking i should buy 2 of these routers put one in each house (100ft-150ft apart) then bridge them with tomato firmware