Hi I have a ryzen 2700x and im having a weird issue with it for example I will be running precision boost and I will be monitoring it and it automatically changes to manual oc at 3.8ghz or I have a oc of 4ghz and then it clocks it to 3.7ghz and it does it at random, all oc are done through the bios even when it is set to auto it always changes it back to manual oc after some time , I have reinstalled windows twice and clear my bios cache and im not sure what else to do please help.
System specs
Gtx msi 1660 super
B450m msi bazooka wifi max
32gb ram
250 m.2
2tb had
System specs
Gtx msi 1660 super
B450m msi bazooka wifi max
32gb ram
250 m.2
2tb had