Help with audio setup


May 28, 2012
Hey guys, so I have an A/V onkyo receiver and will be getting my 2 gtx 690's soon (ya a bit overkill i know). I also have a 120hz 3d monitor. Now my question is how I would get audio. I could pass through the display port on the 690 with a hdmi adapter to my receiver, but i dont think hdmi supports 120hz/3d. I could use optical spdif, but that doesnt support the bluray codecs at 5.1 channels, which I have. I could use analog but I dont think that has the bandwidth for dts master audio and etc... So what do I do? I cant use hdmi because of bandwidth issues, and same for analog and optical for bluray playback. Right now with my dual 5770 I am using dual link dvi direct connection to my monitor, and hdmi from the gpu to my receiver, but its a pain. I can set it to duplicate screens so i dont aee the other one, but games glitch half the time, I cant take screenshots, record anything, because I have two screens but only one monitor and messes up everything... and if I disable the second monitor then I get no sound... so what options are left? Any help would be nice :D


May 28, 2012
Not sure what hdmi 1.4 would offer but it doesnt have display port. What I was thinking is getting a displayport cable, sending it out of the 690 and into the receiver with a display port to hdmi adapter if one even exists. Then from that outputing the video only, using a hdmi head to a dvi cable adapter, and sending that to the monitor fpr 120hz. Not sure if that would work though. If not ill just my optical out from my z77 motherboard with supports asus dts connect so I guess it can send hd codecs to my receiver to decode? I dont know if optical can support 5.1 hd codecs like dts master. The core is only 1.5mbps on a 48khz blu ray disc so it might support that. And maybe 192khz of oter codecs that dont require that much bandwidth, like game sounds.


BR specific codecs will not be outputted via optical, sorry. You will get regular DTS or DD with optical. DTS connect can't overcome that.

If you want 120mhz, you need to go DL DVI. If you run the PC to the receiver via HDMI or DP, it will only be 60hz.

Best bet: DL DVI straight to monitor for video, HDMI to receiver for audio.


May 28, 2012
That probably is the best bet but hdmi from what. Gtx 690 doesnt have an hdmi out so I would have to use display port to hdmi but when I do that windows 7 recognizes 2
monitors connected. And if i turn the 2nd one off no sound. And my cursor falls of the screen and also glitches some games, this happend on my previous computer though which had ati drivers gpus so i dont know if that would make a difference. I could get the hdmi sound cards but they are almost all discontinued and I would be paying 200 bucks for nothing but bistream...


They come with adapters for DVI to HDMI. It carries the audio too. This card you are looking at has 3 x dvi right?

HDMI 1.4 has the bandwidth to carry 120Hz @ 1080p, which solves the connection problems in one go. ---true, but both the monitor and the receiver need to be HDMI 1.4a.

And if i turn the 2nd one off no sound. And my cursor falls of the screen and also glitches some games, this happend on my previous computer though which had ati drivers gpus so i dont know if that would make a difference. ---- yeah it makes a difference that you were using ATI card compared to Nvidia. I have weird issues using my 4870 connected to my receiver/TV also. My geforce 9600 gt card works great doing the same thing.


May 28, 2012
Well my monitor has an hdmi in but it only says dl dvi for 120hz 3d in the manual so Im guessing its not hdmi 1.4. I dont even know what my receiver is it doesnt state it anywhere. And how would an adapter work? wouldnt the signal technically go through the displayport cable then to the adapter? So that means display port supports 120hz 3d and hd audio codecs. I would try all this but i dont have my computer finished yet, still waiting for the ram, psu, and ssds to arrive. I guess the only way to find out is to test it, i should have my comp finished by wednesday at the latest.