Help with F-panel pin setup.

Robert Nieves

Jun 30, 2014
So I need to plug my f-panel (power button, reset, HD led ,etc) plugs to my mobo.

The problem I have is I cant seem to find the correct pin setup.

So I have this f-panel on my mother board:

and I have my f-panel cable like this:

FYI my Mobo is:

Lenovo CIH61M

So which pin goes where?

Or does anyone have this Mobo's manual? ( my google-fu has failed me)
It says right next to it where the pins go. Count the pins out and put the cable endings where they need to be. As you are looking at your picture of the f-panel, the top left pin is 1 the top right pin is 2 I believe, says + and 2 above the right top pin. I may be wrong, but simply by process of elimination shouldnt take more than a few minutes to figure out what goes where.
It says right next to it where the pins go. Count the pins out and put the cable endings where they need to be. As you are looking at your picture of the f-panel, the top left pin is 1 the top right pin is 2 I believe, says + and 2 above the right top pin. I may be wrong, but simply by process of elimination shouldnt take more than a few minutes to figure out what goes where.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

K, so the right column will be +?

My power led connectors say +, -. but the Mobo says 3-5-7, which one should I skip ( only have 2 plugs and 3 pins).

And RST says 12-14, there is no 13 pin.

Sorry if I'm asking obvious questions, kinda new at this. :)