Question Help with Server Port Forwarding

Dec 7, 2019
Hello All been having some issue starting up my minecraft server and I have no idea what's wrong with the port Forwarding.

Currently I have the server fully up and running and am able to connect through localhost but When my friends attempt to connect after port-forwarding its not letting them.

I'm using a Nighthawk AC2600(R7800 i believe) router
Here's what I've done so far. Not sure what could or couldnt be used wrongly so i covered some stuff it should still be fine for this situation i think but let me know if not.

Imgur link with pics for every step View:

1) I reserved a static internal IP for my Desktop
2)Made sure the PC is running on the internal address
3)Made sure the Server is running on the correct port 25565
4)Setup the Port forwarding with both TCP/UDP
5)restarted router, PC and Server multiple times without success.
6)Checked yougetsignal, canyouseeme and portcheckers and they all say the port is closed.
7) Ran NETSTAT -AN with both server on and off to see if its even trying to listen to the port
Note: The only time the 25565 port occurs in this is with the server on shown but its showing local address so idk if thats correct or should be showing my pc's address

Honestly have 0 idea why this isn't working considering I had a previous minecraft server working fine about 5months ago as well as 2 ARK servers on different ports as well. Any Help would be appreciated thanks
Do you know if you have a public or private ip address on the wan. Generally the simplest way to tell is to see if the ip the ISP gives you on the wan port matches sites like whatsmyip. Where the wan address is displayed varies by router by many have a screen called status or something similar.

If the ip are different it means there is a NAT router in the path and you likely have a private IP and you will never get port forwarding to work since it must be done one the router in the ISP network doing NAT.
Do you know if you have a public or private ip address on the wan. Generally the simplest way to tell is to see if the ip the ISP gives you on the wan port matches sites like whatsmyip. Where the wan address is displayed varies by router by many have a screen called status or something similar.

If the ip are different it means there is a NAT router in the path and you likely have a private IP and you will never get port forwarding to work since it must be done one the router in the ISP network doing NAT.
Not sure exactly which is the right one but this is all my router gives about WAN. View:
That appears to be a public IP. Is that the same IP you see on the canyouseeme site.

Try DMZ instead of port fowarding it tends to be easier to configure even though it appears you have the port forwarding set correctly.

If all else fails use the brute force approach. Load wireshark on your machine. What you are trying to detmine is if your machine get the traffic and does not respond or if it never receives the packet in the first place. If it never gets it you suspect the router if it does not respond it has to be either the OS blocking it or the application itself not responding.

Wireshark has a bit of a learning curve on it. It will capture lots of crap so be sure to have as little running as you can. It would be best to access the port scanning site from another machine. Mostly this is so you do not have to deal with all the data for requesting the traffic. What you are looking for in SYN packets with a source ip on the internet and a destination ip of your pc with the port you are testing.
That appears to be a public IP. Is that the same IP you see on the canyouseeme site.

Try DMZ instead of port fowarding it tends to be easier to configure even though it appears you have the port forwarding set correctly.

If all else fails use the brute force approach. Load wireshark on your machine. What you are trying to detmine is if your machine get the traffic and does not respond or if it never receives the packet in the first place. If it never gets it you suspect the router if it does not respond it has to be either the OS blocking it or the application itself not responding.

Wireshark has a bit of a learning curve on it. It will capture lots of crap so be sure to have as little running as you can. It would be best to access the port scanning site from another machine. Mostly this is so you do not have to deal with all the data for requesting the traffic. What you are looking for in SYN packets with a source ip on the internet and a destination ip of your pc with the port you are testing.
So I actually testing running the server on a different PC and it worked. Switched all the port forwarding to other pc setup the server there and was able to connect from outside the network. The issue now is finding out why the hell my primary pc isn't allowing the port forwarding to go thru. The only thing i could think of was Malwarebytes but I completely disabled it and still no luck
If the ip are different it means there is a NAT router in the path and you likely have a private IP and you will never get port forwarding to work since it must be done one the router in the ISP network doing NAT.
I've a public IP , called my ISP and he doesn't know what is port forwarding. So is it possible to port forward in any was possible ? VPNs , softwares , etc?
I want it for my game server