I googled it.
It's a PCCHIPS board M598. It will run spintel, AMD, and Cyrix. I used to own one and had a Cyrix chip in it.
EDIT - the one i had was I think an M570 - it worked really well after i used the manual - that board got me going as a pc tekky. there are maybe better ways to learn - not sure.
Unless you are an enthusiast of old and weird and totally unsupported mobos, etc., I would suggest you don't want to pursue this.
You won't be able to use the Sempron on that mobo.
They covered K6II cpu's max.
It's date is probably circa mid to late 1990's. And the last I heard pcChips went out of biz - but I heard something lately that maybe they are still around. There was no support from them back in the 90;s it won't be different now.
You might get some drivers from the manufacturers of the chips on the mobo - like it has a sis chipset - goto sis site. etc
They used to use Cmedia sound
Prolly has onboard vid. so use a pci card.
You have to know bios settings and really you need a manual to utilize the jumpers which select the cpu brand, volts, etc etc - it's impossible w no manual - and I doubt the settings are stamped on the mobo either.
the comments on this link are the same as the comments in the good old days.
good luck