
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Every time I start a game my computer cuts of in full. Cant restart or
nothing. I have to take the plugs out the pc and put it back in otherwise my
pc does nothing. Does anybody knows what to do or what it can be. Ive got a
athlon2800 with 256gb hardisk and nvidia 5200 card
wesley kosman


Apr 17, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

You did not state what game you are trying to play. Is it one of the
games that came with XP such as Solitaire? Or is it an installed game
that came on a CD? Is the game compatible with WindowsXP? You
can try to run it in compatibility mode.
Start>All Programs>Accessories>Program Compatibility Wizard.
Today is the first day of the
rest of your life.

"wesley kosman" wrote:

> Every time I start a game my computer cuts of in full. Cant restart or
> nothing. I have to take the plugs out the pc and put it back in otherwise my
> pc does nothing. Does anybody knows what to do or what it can be. Ive got a
> athlon2800 with 256gb hardisk and nvidia 5200 card
> --
> wesley kosman