Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)
Please can anyone tell me how I can reinstall the built in games and
calculator facility that come with Windows XP 2002 service pack 2. I was
trying to improve my pc performance by using free up space on hard disc (Disc
Cleanup for C
. I clicked on the more options tab and used the windows
components clean up as it recommended more disc space by removing components
rarely used. Big mistake as I have lost items that I use regular. It states
that you can add or remove components by highlighting the box. I have tried
this many times in various sequences but with no success. Please can anyone
give me some advice on this.
Thank ya Leanne
Please can anyone tell me how I can reinstall the built in games and
calculator facility that come with Windows XP 2002 service pack 2. I was
trying to improve my pc performance by using free up space on hard disc (Disc
Cleanup for C

components clean up as it recommended more disc space by removing components
rarely used. Big mistake as I have lost items that I use regular. It states
that you can add or remove components by highlighting the box. I have tried
this many times in various sequences but with no success. Please can anyone
give me some advice on this.
Thank ya Leanne