Question High FPS but laggy when recording?


Mar 8, 2017

I have a problem playing while recording. When I record using Streamlabs, my game starts to lag a bit or feels stuttery even tho I locked my fps at 144 and I even play my game at low settings and downscaled my reso to 1080p. My footage is smooth tho, no problems. Anyone know what the problem could be?

  • i7 8700k
  • 4x 8gb 3200Mhz
  • 2060 Super
  • SSDs
  • Display 2x (34in ultrawide 144hz and 24in 60hz)
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Does the issue crop up when you're using other apps to record your gameplay, like Game Mode in OS or perhaps Nvidia's Shadow Play? Might I ask what the version for your OS is? What BIOS version are you on for your motherboard?

Haven't tried other apps to record my game. I need to use OBS to separate discord, my mic, and game recording, I don't think other apps can do that(?).

OS: 1909 (10.0.18363 Build 18363)
BIOS: F7 3/1/2018