High polling rate on my mouse suddenly gives extreme stutter

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Nov 26, 2015
Yesterday morning, I restarted my PC and when I started playing my games (CS:GO and Overwatch), they were stuttering really bad.
First I though it was my GPU causing problems but after I made a clean reinstall of it's driver and did some testing, I found out that the stutter only happened when I moved the mouse.
I reinstalled the mouse software (ROG Armoury) and even created a new profile in it but all that helped was to lower the polling rate (first to 500 but still it stuttered, then to 250 and now the stutter is minimal though I can still feel it) from 1000.

The day before yesterday, the was absolutely no problems with stutter and I have not installed or plugged in anything new.

My system specs;
AMD FX-8150
ASUS ROG Gladius
Windows 10 Pro

I'm in desperate need of some advise so I can get this fixed and go back to my normal polling rate of 1000, without any stuttering.
Hope someone is able to tell me what the problem can be.

Thanks in advance.
have you disabled acceleration in the settings?. the mouse sensor is optical so doesnt have acceleration. so if its enabled in software, it may be causing the issue.

have you tried a different mouse?.
does the jitter happen outside of games, on the desktop in general?
have you cleaned the sensor hole?

Acceleration and deceleration are both at 0 in the software.
I don't have another mouse to try with.
The stutter only happens in games, though I haven't tried in other games than CS:GO and Overwatch.
The sensor was the first thing I cleaned.
I moved the mouse to another USB port after the stutter started.

I've had the mouse for about 2 months now and this is the first time I've had any sort of problems with it (if it's a mouse problem at all..).

Can it be something else?
My CPU is overclocked from 3.6 to 4 GHz and my GPU is mildly overclocked as well.
I've had Hardware Monitor and Performance View in the task manager running while testing to check for spikes in CPU usage but haven't seen any strange changes.
The last Windows update was installed about a month ago.

When I'm at the main screen of Overwatch, it runs smooth until I move the mouse. The mouse cursor moves smoothly but I can clearly see that the background is stuttering.
It happens in Need for Speed 2015 as well despite not having a cursor to move around..

I changed my CPU and GPU to factory defaults and when nothing else than my normal software (AV, ROG Armoury, keyboard and headset software) is running, I have around 2-4% CPU load but as soon as I move the mouse, it goes up to 10-20% load.

I just tried Overwatch without my CPU overclocked and it has helped. It still uses more of the CPU when I move the mouse around in Windows but I couldn't see any major changes in usage while playing and there was no stutter.
Is my CPU the problem or perhaps the mainboard?
Would like to figure out why it suddenly can't handle my overclock anymore, if I need to change any hardware..

It must be my CPU failing. When I run a game, without browser, mumble or something else running as well, it works great but as soon as I start up another program, it starts to stutter again. The more CPU I use, the more stutter.
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