I have a Mini Bmax 5 Pro with has a Ryzen 7 5825u. CPU and GPU1-
2- Goal : Adding external GPU to pc
3- Parts: GameMax 850w plus Power Supply, pci-e adapter, riser cable
So, (A) I will plug the CPU 8 pin wire from my Power supply to the Graphics card. Now that same wire I just put into the External Graphics card has a split , so I can add that to my PCIE ? ( that wire is a 6 +2 so it can go into the PCIE.
(B) I have now the wire that looks like a HDMI that is plugged into that port on my PCIE and that goes under the cover of my mini PC . I will put that M.2 cord Im assuming its called that looks like a computer chip on the tip. I will insert it starting from the right side and insert it into the " computer board extender" ? I don't know the name, but from what I understand , that is were you put it for ADD ON's? There is a thin foil like wire connected to the bottom of PC were Im going to put in the M.2 wire, it says " Facing Up", and I will start from the right and plug it in. It seems small for this insert, but Im assuming there are different M.2 slots and sizes. So when I put it in, I have to make sure the mini PC does not move cause I don't want the M.2 insert to come out .
(c) Now on my I have the Riser cable that goes from my Graphics card to my PCIE device. * Question is , the 12 pin cable that came with my power supply, Do I still need to connect that 12 pin cable into my PCEI? cause it came with a wire that will turn it into a 8 pin wire which I have a 8 pin Female slot open on the PCIE .
I'm assuming that is it, besides me downloading the program for my graphics card it should be done? Please , anything I said which is not correct, please let me know . I tried to explain myself as detail as possible . If you need any more info of any sort to help me out, please let me know.
Thank you everyone .
2- Goal : Adding external GPU to pc
3- Parts: GameMax 850w plus Power Supply, pci-e adapter, riser cable
So, (A) I will plug the CPU 8 pin wire from my Power supply to the Graphics card. Now that same wire I just put into the External Graphics card has a split , so I can add that to my PCIE ? ( that wire is a 6 +2 so it can go into the PCIE.
(B) I have now the wire that looks like a HDMI that is plugged into that port on my PCIE and that goes under the cover of my mini PC . I will put that M.2 cord Im assuming its called that looks like a computer chip on the tip. I will insert it starting from the right side and insert it into the " computer board extender" ? I don't know the name, but from what I understand , that is were you put it for ADD ON's? There is a thin foil like wire connected to the bottom of PC were Im going to put in the M.2 wire, it says " Facing Up", and I will start from the right and plug it in. It seems small for this insert, but Im assuming there are different M.2 slots and sizes. So when I put it in, I have to make sure the mini PC does not move cause I don't want the M.2 insert to come out .
(c) Now on my I have the Riser cable that goes from my Graphics card to my PCIE device. * Question is , the 12 pin cable that came with my power supply, Do I still need to connect that 12 pin cable into my PCEI? cause it came with a wire that will turn it into a 8 pin wire which I have a 8 pin Female slot open on the PCIE .
I'm assuming that is it, besides me downloading the program for my graphics card it should be done? Please , anything I said which is not correct, please let me know . I tried to explain myself as detail as possible . If you need any more info of any sort to help me out, please let me know.
Thank you everyone .