[SOLVED] Horrible fps on Rust with High-end PC

Aug 6, 2019
Dunno if I'm the only one who is having these issues but when I'm on rust for about 20 minutes my fps drops down horrible, from about 60-70 to like 30-45.
My pc build is:
  • 16gb ram vengeance DDR4
  • Ryzen 5 2600x (Stock cooler)
  • gtx 1080 STRIX
  • B450 gaming pro carbon motherboard
  • 750 watt corsair power supply

I built the rig myself and it's pretty new. I tried playing on fantastic and i get same fps rates as like im playing on potato (don't really know what it's happening here). I monitored also the gpu and cpu heat and they turned out fine. I've never overclocked or anything.

During playtime on rust, i checked task manager usuage. Cpu is roughly at 40% memory 60% disk 3% and gpu 35% (these usuages are from when i have good fps rates).

Is this problem happening to me alone or others having same troubles? Is it my rig at fault or something i need to change? I really dont know what's happening