I need a graphics card for I am building in my opinion a really fast machine. I want to run every game near ultra or max settings. I know from the past the only 2 brands that have the best reliability are ASUS and Gigabyte. I want to know what a 4gb will do compared to a 2gb? Also, I do not know if I need to over clock them or just use inboard boosting tools?
Here is link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121659
I need a graphics card for I am building in my opinion a really fast machine. I want to run every game near ultra or max settings. I know from the past the only 2 brands that have the best reliability are ASUS and Gigabyte. I want to know what a 4gb will do compared to a 2gb? Also, I do not know if I need to over clock them or just use inboard boosting tools?
Here is link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121659