Question How do I get this computer to boot? Is it worth it?

Mar 5, 2025
During a recent visit to my local flea market, I came across a table selling a few computers. They were priced at $125 and I ended up talking them down to $40 for one of them. My computer started having issues recently so I figured I'd take a chance and buy one. Once I plugged it in, it goes to a boot menu. This is where I am lost. I do not have a tremendous amount of knowledge on computers. I'm guessing that the computer doesn't have an OS, but I'm not confident in what I am looking at. I can see at the bottom of the boot menu "2013" so I'm assuming this is a pretty old computer.

So my specific questions are:
1. Given what you can see from the images and info, did I get an alright deal for this computer or is it basically dinosaur tech?
2. How do I get windows installed (or whatever it would need to boot-up)?

Additional Notes: I am not a gamer. I'm not looking for high FPS or anything like that. The most I do on computers is back up my storage to a bunch of hard drives, 3D CAD, check emails and such.
Any and all information you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated!

All Images are in this link
Congrats, very nice very high end system for the time.
Should still be very decent even in gaming, even though the version of the GTX is not visible it should be high end for the time.
Go to the boot tab in the bios and show that so that we can tell you if you have a boot drive.

I believe this is the boot tab. I have tried to boot via the multiple options with no luck.
I believe this is the boot tab. I have tried to boot via the multiple options with no luck.
If you click on boot option #1 what shows up?! There is something beginning with hp what drive is that?
The big gold hard drive is the WD that shows up as boot option #2.

You can always download windows officially from MS write it to a USB stick and boot up with that to do a clean install but if it already has a working OS install it might be easier to try and fix that.
But probably they had an ssd for the OS and removed it before getting rid of the system.
If you click on boot option #1 what shows up?! There is something beginning with hp what drive is that?
The big gold hard drive is the WD that shows up as boot option #2.

You can always download windows officially from MS write it to a USB stick and boot up with that to do a clean install but if it already has a working OS install it might be easier to try and fix that.
But probably they had an ssd for the OS and removed it before getting rid of the system.
Unfortunately, I have to unplug the PC i'm currently using to write this reply in order to get that computer hooked back up. I beleive it just said HP 4 when i clicked on it. I tried to boot using that option and it just restarts the computer and goes back to the same boot menu. Thats what every option there did, just restarts and goes back to boot menu
Unfortunately, I have to unplug the PC i'm currently using to write this reply in order to get that computer hooked back up. I beleive it just said HP 4 when i clicked on it. I tried to boot using that option and it just restarts the computer and goes back to the same boot menu. Thats what every option there did, just restarts and goes back to boot menu
For any used PC, you personally need to do a full wipe and reinstall of the OS.

So lets start with that.

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1. Given what you can see from the images and info, did I get an alright deal for this computer or is it basically dinosaur tech?
It's good hardware - enthusiast grade from 2013.
Still ok for modern use.
PSU alone is over $200. If you got it all for $40, then you basically robbed the guy.

You have cpu fan error being displayed. It's possible AIO pump has failed.
In this case - cpu cooler needs to be replaced.
2. How do I get windows installed (or whatever it would need to boot-up)?
Boot from windows installation media and install windows.
Obtain SSD first before doing that.
You can see the bios; that bodes well.
There are some good parts there.
Certainly worth more than you paid.

Anyone selling a previously functional pc will likely have disabled or removed the boot drive.

To test basic
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

Some motherboards will run memtest from the tools menu in the bios.

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.

Looks like you have a 1tb Hard drive.
You can download the windows installer to a usb stick and install windows on it.
Hard drives are s l o w. If you will use the pc , I would buy a ssd and use that for the C drive.
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One of your screenshots shows

"Overclocking failed! Please enter Setup to reconfigure your system. CPU Fan Error. Press F1 to run Setup."

As @SkyNetRising mentioned, the fan error may indicate the AIO water pump built into the cooling block (bolted on top of the CPU) may have failed.

It could also mean the fan(s) attached to the radiator (other end of the hose pipes) have stopped spinning.

With the computer switched on, use a sounding rod (wooden dowel, plastic chopstick) to check if you can hear any noise coming out of the electric pump on the water block. You might be able to detect a low hum or buzzing sound which indicates the pump is running. Check also to see if the radiator fan(s) are spinning.

The other part of the message about overclocking failure ican opccur when a user has increased the CPU or RAM speed too high and rendered the system unstable.

If you press function key F1, you're supposed to dive into the BIOS and reduce the overclock speed, or disable the overclock entirely.

Since you might not be familiar with the intricacies of BIOS tweaking, it might be an idea to ask a friend or someone else for help.

The cooling fan fault might be easy to fix, or you might need to replace the AIO water cooling system.

Low cost air coolers (metal heatsink plus fans) are available for $20 to $40, but you need a modicum of skill to fit one.

A new AIO would probably be more expensive.