How do I lock core?


May 21, 2009
Okay so I unlocked my 4th core for phenom ii 720. I ran prime and everything was fine, but I noticed little to no difference in performance so I want to lock it back up. I changed the AAC in my bios from disabled to auto to unlock it but when I changed it back to disabled, everything is still reading that there is a 4th core. I even went into the bios and reset it back to default but it and windows still reads a 4th core.
Is there a way to reverse this or did I screw myself?

You need to reset your bios back to defaults. That is what I had to do to get my unlocked X3 back to normal. Just use the jumper on your MB, easy as pie.

You need to reset your bios back to defaults. That is what I had to do to get my unlocked X3 back to normal. Just use the jumper on your MB, easy as pie.

I dont think I even have this option. I certainly did not see it. I will try using the jumpers to reset instead of the bios and report back.
Thanks. The jumper worked and I feel like an idiot. I was under the impression that jumper reseting and restoring default settings from bios did the same thing.

Why would do that ?

The CPU you bought does have four functional cores as far as Prime95 is concerned, to intentionally cripple it back because you can't figure out how to make proper use of it is simply daft.

At least you ended up learning something in the process.


Well I encoded some video just to see the improvement and it was noticeable but I really was just doing that test. I mostly play games and I didnt get more than 5 additional frames in any game I tested with fraps. The 4th core screws up the temp readings in hardware monitoring programs and I didnt like that at all. I get better results Ocing anyway.