[SOLVED] How is this build so far?


Feb 25, 2019
So right now I have this build https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Xtd7jy
I just bought the msi 2080 trio. I felt like it might be time for an upgrade on the rest of the components since I have the money now. So I came up with this build https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yTbwQZ. I been building computers for a while now but I have never done a water cooler AIO before nor hard tubing (nor do I want to try hard tubing) I have heard that they can leak. Anyways I do not mind using a air cooler but my only issue with them is they usually are pretty ugly compared to the AIO's. Also if someone could show me some different cases that are nice I would appreciate it i'm usually terrible at finding good ones. Also I have a 4.2 OC on the CPU i'm using right now I have heard that you can get higher, but 4.2 works for me. Will this build also help with the low fps fluctuates in Black ops 4?