So, I've been having a tiresome few weeks.
I have been trying to sort out this PC, finding a good balance between aesthetic and power.
With this in mind. I've made this build. The idea behind it is to simulate a sort of Portal 2/Aperture Science theme (Which will be improved by a few decals I've found)
I think this PC should work, according to MY understanding of PC building. But, I still want to see what people think of it.
If there any improvements made, please keep it under £1000, or better below £950. I've already pushed the budget up enough as it is.
I have been trying to sort out this PC, finding a good balance between aesthetic and power.
With this in mind. I've made this build. The idea behind it is to simulate a sort of Portal 2/Aperture Science theme (Which will be improved by a few decals I've found)
I think this PC should work, according to MY understanding of PC building. But, I still want to see what people think of it.
If there any improvements made, please keep it under £1000, or better below £950. I've already pushed the budget up enough as it is.