How much RAM should I reserve for my graphics?


Aug 10, 2009
I have an onboard graphics card nvidia geforce 6100 for my asus motherboard, I currently have 1GB of system RAM. that is 1024 MB of RAM (dual channel memory with two 512 MB DIMMs). Since I don't have a dedicated graphics card, I need to allocate some of my system RAM to the graphics card. I have checked in the BIOS settings that I can allocate up to 128MB as on-chip-buffer size or as shared memory. Now my question is what is the optimal setting for best quality and performance? Should I go for 64 MB(shared) + 960 MB(system) or am I better off with 128 MB(shared) + 896 MB (system) by sacrificing some system memory to allocate more to graphics! Which one would you recommend?
Both answers are equally pathetic. Instead of answering they seem to ask questions themselves! Anyway, I have decided to udgrade my system and install a dedicated graphics card. So, thanks for answering!
well, how can we recommend if we don't know what are you doing with it?

It's like asking how can I cut this piece of meat with my butter knife, without stating what meat.

For all we know you are trying to carve up a piece of an elephant with a butter knife....


I liked the way you answered :)