I'm having an odd issue with my latency on my Xbox One. I get between 14-20 ms ping on speed tests and in games on my PC but my Xbox gets 60 ms or higher(both hard wired and using an IPv6 connection/cables) and when I play Apex Legends I have moments where my game will seem to freeze and stutter erratically to the point where I will be dead suddenly or items that I visibly saw my character pickup and equip will be gone from my inventory a few moments later. I assumed I just had an issue with how I set my network up but when I try a direct connection to my modem from my Xbox the problem persists. I've tried trouble shooting this with Xfinity my ISP but they found nothing and suggested I call Arris to ask them to troubleshoot my brand new sb8200 3.1 modem. Everything looked good to them except my Upstream power which was 40-41 dBmV and Arris recommends between 45-50 dBmV for upstream. Would this make a noticable difference? I was under the impression that between 38-51 was fine and I had an Xfinity technician come out and he said Arris was full of it since that small amount wouldn't make a difference. He ended up replacing some wiring and did some tests/troubleshooting and my other numbers got slightly better but my ping issue is still the same. After he left I tried finding a faster dns server for me but only found one that was slightly faster and it had a negligible effect.
I know I'm kind of at the mercy of location and many other factors but what's hanging me up is that on PC my ping is fine. Of course a difference of 40 ms shouldn't make a world of difference but I feel there's something amiss. Any insight or ideas would be appreciated 😁
I know I'm kind of at the mercy of location and many other factors but what's hanging me up is that on PC my ping is fine. Of course a difference of 40 ms shouldn't make a world of difference but I feel there's something amiss. Any insight or ideas would be appreciated 😁