I'm making a system with the following specs(don't bother telling me 3 gtx 280s are a waste of $, I'm ignoring posts telling me to change my specs now.):
Not sure what mobo yet, maybe a 780i
Quad Core Q9550 2.83ghz (plan to OC mildly, maybe 3.3-3.5)
3x GTX 280 OC edition
8gb DDR2-800 or 1066
Right now I see 3 options:
1) Water cooling. I'm guessing water cooling 3 gtx 280s and a quad core would cost more than the 3 GPUs themselves... but if this is the best method, and isn't extremely expensive, I'd love to hear about it
2) Air cooling. I'm guessing I'll need a ginormous amount of fans in a huge case. But I think it will still keep it at dangerous temps. Will it be fine? How should I go about it?
3) Get 3 of these babies http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130369 since they're watercooled already, I would just need to place a fan or two extra and I'd be good to go, I think. But it's $220 extra, and I'm not sure 3 would fit in a mobo... What do you guys think?
So basically, I'd just like to know which of these 3 methods would be best... or if you've got something else entirely, I'd love to hear it. Thanks a bunch
Not sure what mobo yet, maybe a 780i
Quad Core Q9550 2.83ghz (plan to OC mildly, maybe 3.3-3.5)
3x GTX 280 OC edition
8gb DDR2-800 or 1066
Right now I see 3 options:
1) Water cooling. I'm guessing water cooling 3 gtx 280s and a quad core would cost more than the 3 GPUs themselves... but if this is the best method, and isn't extremely expensive, I'd love to hear about it
2) Air cooling. I'm guessing I'll need a ginormous amount of fans in a huge case. But I think it will still keep it at dangerous temps. Will it be fine? How should I go about it?
3) Get 3 of these babies http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130369 since they're watercooled already, I would just need to place a fan or two extra and I'd be good to go, I think. But it's $220 extra, and I'm not sure 3 would fit in a mobo... What do you guys think?
So basically, I'd just like to know which of these 3 methods would be best... or if you've got something else entirely, I'd love to hear it. Thanks a bunch