How to change system temp path back to default


Dec 19, 2011
Please help i need to know what to type in for my default path to make it back to normal because i really need you use ipconfig on cmd
Right click on My Computer \ click on Properties \ click Advanced tab \ click Enviroment Variables \

Add two new variables in the User Variables; Named as TEMP and TMP and add their data in the value field as follows:

1st Named = TEMP
Value = %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp

2nd Named = TMP
Value = %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp

Add two new variables in the System variables; Named as TEMP and TMP and add their data in the value field as follows:

1st Named = TEMP
Value = %SystemRoot%\TEMP

2nd Named = TMP
Value = %SystemRoot%\TEMP

You may have to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.