How to disable vdrop

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Apr 5, 2015
I cannot find the option to disable vdrop on my msi 970 g43 mb I clocked my fx6300 at a stable 4.5 1.4vcore and whenever I stress test the vcore drops to about to 1.31 how do I fix

Look for the setting called CPU Load Line Calibration / LLC and find a level that brings it back up to the 1.4.

After searching your mobo though are you sure it's not dropping the voltage due to throttling? From the pics I saw the VRM section doesn't have a heatsink on it.
I'd recommend putting something like these on and possibly a fan too depending on your case air flow.
The problem is there is no option for load line calibration. Also heat is not an issue my mb and cpu sit around 40c I have a hyper 212 evo.. Could I possible update my bios and get the option?
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