Question How to enable USB boot option from ASUS gaming laptop?

May 1, 2019
I was looking for a price to performance laptop and got ASUS FX505DT at a discount on Amazon India. I found answers on the amazon page that it supports USB boot to linux and dual boot. So I went with it. But the tech support said, it is not possible, try to do it if you can they said. Has anyone done it before, I am trying to boot from a live installation of ubuntu 19, the ASUS bios version is bios 2.20.0049
You are trying to boot Ubuntu from USB or what? What do you mean "Dual boot"? Two OS's on same pc?
I am trying to boot from a live installation on USB, like plug and play OS, where my 32 GB USB has the OS installed using UUI.
I am not trying to dual boot (two OS's on same PC), it's my final option if live boot up doesn't work out.
In UEFI on-board options i have option to enable of disable onboard audio, and it is enabled.
I will try to install different chipset version now. Older. If that won't fix then i give up on this PC.