I have recently fixed/upgraded my PC to a Asus PRIME B650-PLUS ATX AM5 Motherboard, but it refuses to acknowledge the esistance of anything other than my OS m.2 and my bluray drive. all other harddrives do not show up, even in bios. I've never seen this problem before, and can't find any info on how to fix this.
For reference, my PC before the fix/upgrade was this: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RedFoxNightfox/saved/#view=fvPd6h
and now this is the new build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RedFoxNightfox/saved/#view=rWxRzy
I have tried changing sata cables, power plugs, ports, even using the same exact plugs that the bluray was using and plugged in one of my data hdd's, and it still does not want to acknowledge it existing, even in bios.
I updated the bios, installed all the drivers, and still nothing. I even removed my 10 sata port pcie card to see if that was the problem.
I'm honestly at a loss as to why this new board doesn't want to see anything besides the m.2 and the bluray drive.
I also tried turning off the SATA controller, rebooting, turn on SATA controller, Rebooting.
For reference, my PC before the fix/upgrade was this: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RedFoxNightfox/saved/#view=fvPd6h
and now this is the new build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RedFoxNightfox/saved/#view=rWxRzy
I have tried changing sata cables, power plugs, ports, even using the same exact plugs that the bluray was using and plugged in one of my data hdd's, and it still does not want to acknowledge it existing, even in bios.
I updated the bios, installed all the drivers, and still nothing. I even removed my 10 sata port pcie card to see if that was the problem.
I'm honestly at a loss as to why this new board doesn't want to see anything besides the m.2 and the bluray drive.
I also tried turning off the SATA controller, rebooting, turn on SATA controller, Rebooting.
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