[SOLVED] How to go about starting an overclock?

Nope. None of the above. All that is Secondary.

Primary thing, first thing, absolute most important thing to do absolutely first... (iiSlashr had the right idea)


Everything and anything concerning OC of a gpu, your gpu, any gpu. The theory is all the same, particulars change according to the specific card. Videos, forums, Google, all of it. And when you've covered everything, start over since things you skimped over before will now make sense.

By then you'll know exactly what turtlerig is talking about, what software you'll need, what to do or not do with power limits vs voltage changes, you'll understand differences in vram, VRM's, particular cards limitations etc.
Hi i have the MSI gtx 960 4gb oc, https://www.amazon.com/MSI-GTX-960-OC-4GD5T/dp/B011S6GUCQ , and i’m wondering if anyone else has had this card and what’s a good like medium overclock, nothing to heavy as i’m brand new to overclocking. Or if there’s a guide on how to overclock if someone could link me to it.
Your going to want to download MSI AB and insall her. Now you can see where you can use slides to OC your GPU and your VRAM. You can also set fan curves and have OSD and what not. For your card try a VRAM OC first of 500Mhz more and see how she runs. If no artifacts then raise it to 600Mhz and so on. This would be the memory not the core or GPU clock. That is a starting point for you. 💯🖐🤷‍♀️
Nope. None of the above. All that is Secondary.

Primary thing, first thing, absolute most important thing to do absolutely first... (iiSlashr had the right idea)


Everything and anything concerning OC of a gpu, your gpu, any gpu. The theory is all the same, particulars change according to the specific card. Videos, forums, Google, all of it. And when you've covered everything, start over since things you skimped over before will now make sense.

By then you'll know exactly what turtlerig is talking about, what software you'll need, what to do or not do with power limits vs voltage changes, you'll understand differences in vram, VRM's, particular cards limitations etc.