How to make a benchmark?


Jul 15, 2008
I've been hooked on Prince of Persia recently, and I'd like to make a benchmark of it, to see if an Overclock will help my system, and if so, by how much I'm benefiting. I've been playing the "does it really help?" game by playing with and without it, but I want a definitive answer, and for that I need a benchmark.

I tried using the opening cinema, but it only lasts like 1m:30s, and that's not nearly enough for me to truely understand if it'll be able to render. I want to run a 5m benchmark on one of the more graphically-intense levels, but can't seem to find a way!

The game doesn't have a "make your own demo" option. I tried making a script in AutoHotKey, but after fidgeting with it for a while (I'm not fantastic with AHK), I still couldn't get it to benchmark well.

Any ideas/programs/How-to's y'all can think of?
While I have not used it, you can set a hotkey with FRAPS to 'record benchmark' My assumption would be this records your Min, Max, and Avg framerates over a given time. I say get good at one of these graphicly intense levels, and run it 3-5 times each OCed and not OCed, trying to always do the same thing. Use the FRAPS recording feature, then average your runs together. That should tell you.

As I said, I have not used this so this is 99% assumption here...
I'm using the Fraps benchmark, it's pretty good, but I need a repeatable, scripted scenario. I don't like leaving mouse jitter to screwing up a benchmark. I've tried doing something similar, but I wasn't even able to get consistent framerates doing it 3 times on the same settings (there was a delta of a huge 5 FPS) so I was looking for an automated process. AutoHotKey was Ok, but once it got to the game and stuff, it didn't do very well because it would only hit the keys, instead of holding them, etc.