Question How to move to an SSD and keep certain (not launcher based, no steam, etc) games on the hard drive

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Mar 16, 2020
I'm going to move to an SSD and I know it's pretty easy to move steam games and the windows installation itself over to the SSD but I was wondering if there was a way I could do it that would leave games I've gotten from what we'll call less than reputable sources installed and ready to go on my hard drive once I move my windows installation to the SSD, from what I can see I pretty much have to redownload and reinstall those games and copy my save files over but that's a bit of a ball ache so if there's any way I can keep games installed on the hard drive that don't have the option to be moved as easily as steam games without manually re-downloading and reinstalling them that would be awesome, to make it simple my objective is to move windows to an SSD and keep certain games on my hard drive without having to touch them since they can't be easily moved like steam games.

id also be open to methods of moving my non-steam games to the SSD.
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