how to overclock safely


Nov 29, 2006
so how do i overclock my video card (7800GT) and my cpu (e6300 c2d)?

I've heard people ocing e6300s to 3ghz on stock cooling......
i used the program that came with the driver cd, and it's called warpspeeder. But it will only go to 2000mhz, and restart my computer......There's also an option to raise voltage, but i heard that was not a good idea. what program do i use?

I also have 1gig ram ddr2

Can someone walk me through a few steps on how to accomplish these tasks.
If that video card is an NVIDIA card,then you can do a registry hack to enable an application called COOLBITS.You can do a Google search an find a site that will have the instructions on how to do it.I think has the info.
thanks, i downloaded it.... and added the information to my registry. now what....

i rightclicked th desktop

-geforce 7800gt tab
-clock frequency settings...... how much do i set it at?

l lcicked "detech optimal frequencies", and it went

core clock frequency - from 470mhz to 500mhz
memory clock frequency - from 1.1ghz to 1.16ghz

Am i gonna notice any difference with these changes?
You might do, what I tend to do is to run 3D mark (either '05 or '06) first, take a note of the score and then click the optimal settings button and then run 3D mark again and if the increase is not enough (which it never is :lol: ) I go back to the Nvidia control panel and increase the core speed manually by about 5 or 10 MHz and then run 3D mark again if no artefacts shows up then it's back to the Nvidia control panel and increase the memory by 5 or 10 MHz and then run 3D mark again, and so on until the card starts to artefact at which point you know you've hit the max and then just turn it down to the setting it was stable at. HTH have fun
Careful OC'ing the vid're far more likely to crap out a vid card than a overclocked CPU. Very different. CPU less risk.

What RAM you got?
We start at the ram level 667 333mHZ and the cpu 1.8 or 1800mhz if you oc the cpu clock with the ram at 333 mhz you will exceed the ram speed so we have to decrease the ram speed to 266 or 532mhz and oc the fsb little bits at a time. To achieve the highest possible oc it will be necessary to increase the cpu volts +05 at a time. Remember to always have the best of the best in cooling or you will have to buy new parts. There is lots more to it but this gives you an idea as to what is going on. Btw your parts are not ocing material
Follow the guide at to the amount to increase the cpu fsb I could tell ya but you will have to search for that.
It's also a lot better to do everything through the bios (the cpu that is) than it is to use a program. If it's done through the bios you know it's done and don't have to worry about software screwing up.