Dear community,
After a lot of hesitation, I decided yesterday to update my windows 10 to the latest version 1903, but little did I know that I'd come soon to regret that. Right after the update I noticed I was only left with about 15 GB of free space when I had over 60 GB before it, but that is not the main problem, the free space that I had left continued to shrink to the point where it literally reached 0, I have never seen my C drive completely full before so that had me panicked. I looked it up and I found that the previous version of windows might be taking up space, so I deleted it, and it worked, I got 30 GB back just like that and decided to leave things as is. However! that 30 GB of free space started shrinking as well, I checked the task manager, and the culprit was Windows Event Log since it was the only one using the disk up to 100%. I couldn't stop the service no matter what I did, and I can't go back to the old version since I deleted it, so please could anyone shed some light on why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks
After a lot of hesitation, I decided yesterday to update my windows 10 to the latest version 1903, but little did I know that I'd come soon to regret that. Right after the update I noticed I was only left with about 15 GB of free space when I had over 60 GB before it, but that is not the main problem, the free space that I had left continued to shrink to the point where it literally reached 0, I have never seen my C drive completely full before so that had me panicked. I looked it up and I found that the previous version of windows might be taking up space, so I deleted it, and it worked, I got 30 GB back just like that and decided to leave things as is. However! that 30 GB of free space started shrinking as well, I checked the task manager, and the culprit was Windows Event Log since it was the only one using the disk up to 100%. I couldn't stop the service no matter what I did, and I can't go back to the old version since I deleted it, so please could anyone shed some light on why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks