How to share internet with 5 computers using a hub

iremegio sola

Jan 1, 2013
My computers and my modem were connected in a D-link hub. Only one computer have an internet. What will I do to make other computers share the internet?

honestly, i am a neophyte in computers. my nephew send me 5 computers, connected in lan port and a d-link 8-port hub. I applied for an internet connection (wired), but the technician connected only one unit. I want to share the internet to other computers, but because of financial constraint, i cannot afford to hire a technician to set up my computers. I would like to seek some help from the experts. i am trying to follow some instructions i got from the web, but still i cannot share it (internet). My computers are runnine with XP software. thanks in advance
If you pc has 2 nic cards you can use ICS to share it. It is not real hard to setup but it does take some reading to understand it. You trade your time for money. You are just going to have to spend time reading on microsofts site, there stuff is better than anything I could post to a forum.

If your PC does not have 2 ethernet ports then you will have to spend some money to solve this. You really need a router. You should be able to use the cheapest ones you can find for about $20. Otherwise I would see if someone would give you a older one. The ones without wireless or that run the old wireless standards are close to worthless so you might find them in at a garage sale.