Dunzaus :
And for people saying that you should wait for 2nd gen..
There won't be a 2nd gen if no one buy these. And both these got Great hardware, but to me the Rift is an Oculus but with more features and I see no problem in making 2x2.5 meter room you need to move around. I'd rather pay extra and get the full experience and the support of Valve that has proven time and time again that they can make great games. If you think that it will only be ''wii-like-games'' then you just don't know Valve...
I find it funny when people say they are waiting for second gen because of the price.
That's like saying "I'm not going to buy and Xbox One of PS4. The next Xbox and Playstation will obviously be so much better."
Yeah better, but that doesn't mean they will be cheaper.
As for space, you don't need that much space. It uses up to 15-feet x 15-feet. You can scale down to 5-feet x 6.5 feet.
also, Vive will do seated games just fine.