HTC Vive Will Cost $799, Gets Last-Minute Hardware Updates

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The VIVE is the superior VR hardware, they completely eliminated the motion sickness caused by the input lag that the Rift has.

Also that head strap looks much more comfy and isntead of having an M$ xbone controller forced on you here you have the excellent controllers they had at all the demos.
Yes it got superior hardware and an superior experience and let's not forget that it got Valve's support who makes AMAZING games so I'm sure that this will have the better value with time also.
Though if the Oculus gets some none timed exclusives then I might also get one of their headsets down the road.
But for now and or if I could only pick one of them then my money is with Htc Vive, simply because it go features and Valve's games support.
better for what? Better at wii like gaming? sure, Better at sitting at your desk doing VR? nah not even close

Oculus is a full pound lighter, has integrated headphones.

When asked, most preferred the Oculus for Simulators, Star Citizen, Indie games, euro truck etc.., while others preferred the vive in the open room (on your feet) gameplay.

Until they get rid of the Trio of thick heavy wires, walking around the room with one is cumbersome. all of the demo's show the user picking is legs up every 30 seconds to keep from tripping over the wires.

Oculus is probably the better buy this generation, and vive might be the real winner 2-3 years down the road. just not today.

EDIT: I dont think the oculus touch controllers will be any higher than $150.. Even $150 is high for a controller. So i doubt vive will be cheaper, as the dev's have already said it wont be
better for what? Better at wii like gaming? sure, Better at sitting at your desk doing VR? nah not even close

Oculus is a full pound lighter, has integrated headphones.

When asked, most preferred the Oculus for Simulators, Star Citizen, Indie games, euro truck etc.., while others preferred the vive in the open room (on your feet) gameplay.

Until they get rid of the Trio of thick heavy wires, walking around the room with one is cumbersome. all of the demo's show the user picking is legs up every 30 seconds to keep from tripping over the wires.

Oculus is probably the better buy this generation, and vive might be the real winner 2-3 years down the road. just not today.

EDIT: I dont think the oculus touch controllers will be any higher than $150.. Even $150 is high for a controller. So i doubt vive will be cheaper, as the dev's have already said it wont be

There is no reason why the Vive can't do everything that the Oculus can and then it offers even more.

And the Vive has gotten much lighter in the past months and Every articly I have read favors the Vive.

The Vive can do everything the Oculus can and More.

Can you link some recent articles that favors the Oculus?
Let's not forget Oculus is owned by Facebook where Vive is backed by Valve. While Facebook may have more money and all the press says they are not Facebookizing it and leaving it to the true gamers, Valve has very expansive gaming experience and history.
Both the Rift and Vive will be fantastic headsets. IMO, the cost difference justifies an argument for/against either handset. IF a large amount of VR titles (non Rift/Vive sponsored) favor a common controller, the motion controls of the VIVE may seem niche. That said, I just bought an XBOX ONE controller + Windows I'm not inclined to go Rift and receive HW I dont need.

My only hesitation on the Vive was the purported weight in comparison to the Rift. If this has been/is fixed by launch, I'll most likely choose Vive.

On the specs, I'd imagine that a Fury X/CXF 390s or 980ti/SLI 970s will provide the optimal experience. I average around ~90fps on modern titles with decent settings at 2560x1440...and would hate to dip often: 799 for "puke goggles"
better for what? Better at wii like gaming? sure, Better at sitting at your desk doing VR? nah not even close

Oculus is a full pound lighter, has integrated headphones.

When asked, most preferred the Oculus for Simulators, Star Citizen, Indie games, euro truck etc.., while others preferred the vive in the open room (on your feet) gameplay.

Until they get rid of the Trio of thick heavy wires, walking around the room with one is cumbersome. all of the demo's show the user picking is legs up every 30 seconds to keep from tripping over the wires.

Oculus is probably the better buy this generation, and vive might be the real winner 2-3 years down the road. just not today.

EDIT: I dont think the oculus touch controllers will be any higher than $150.. Even $150 is high for a controller. So i doubt vive will be cheaper, as the dev's have already said it wont be

The retail Rift is lighter than the Vive Pre (by how much, I don't know) but I neither one of them is uncomfortably heavy. I've never been in one for longer than 15 minutes at a time, but I was able to move around quick briskly and it never felt cumbersome on my head. In my opinion the weight is a moot argument.

As for the cables, yes, it is a bit of a nuisance, but hardly one worth writing off the experience all together. Room scale VR is way too good to wait for untethered devices to try it.
I've never fallen from tripping (it certainly could happen) but I have stepped on the cable and unplugged it a couple times. Its not ideal, but again, not that bad.
You get used to the cable being there and it becomes a subconscious thing after a little while.

I wouldn't count on the Touch controllers being cheap. There's a lot of intricate tech inside them, and you also need a second base unit for them, so it's controllers and a base station. Low end i'd say $100, but I wouldn't be surpised to see them come in at $200.
And for people saying that you should wait for 2nd gen..

There won't be a 2nd gen if no one buy these. And both these got Great hardware, but to me the Rift is an Oculus but with more features and I see no problem in making 2x2.5 meter room you need to move around. I'd rather pay extra and get the full experience and the support of Valve that has proven time and time again that they can make great games. If you think that it will only be ''wii-like-games'' then you just don't know Valve...

You'll have to wait until we have them, but you can bet that reviews are coming.

I find it funny when people say they are waiting for second gen because of the price.
That's like saying "I'm not going to buy and Xbox One of PS4. The next Xbox and Playstation will obviously be so much better."
Yeah better, but that doesn't mean they will be cheaper.

As for space, you don't need that much space. It uses up to 15-feet x 15-feet. You can scale down to 5-feet x 6.5 feet.
also, Vive will do seated games just fine.

I find it funny when people say they are waiting for second gen because of the price.
That's like saying "I'm not going to buy and Xbox One of PS4. The next Xbox and Playstation will obviously be so much better."
Yeah better, but that doesn't mean they will be cheaper.

As for space, you don't need that much space. It uses up to 15-feet x 15-feet. You can scale down to 5-feet x 6.5 feet.
also, Vive will do seated games just fine.

Mhm, all true.

And i mispelled before. 5 x 6.5 feet = 1.5 x 2 meters. and not 2 x 2.5 meters.

Though I'm sure that the 15 x 15 feet isn't meant for people like us but rather Arcades and none game related matters.
Lets also address the other elephant in the room. Youre buying a VR headset for real full on games with an extra level of immersion and hours and hours of deep gamplay, right? Who do you trust more in that realm? Valve or Facebook? XD

Valve any day.

And why buy a VR headset just to sit down when you can buy when where you not only can do that but also move around.

But again. I might buy an Oculus down the road if it gets enough none timed exlusives that is worth my time. But the Htc Vive is definitely a priority to me.

Lets also address the other elephant in the room. Youre buying a VR headset for real full on games with an extra level of immersion and hours and hours of deep gamplay, right? Who do you trust more in that realm? Valve or Facebook? XD
The VR Farmville hype is real! The Oculus will ship with an optional hoe/shovel controller.

Just a few videos from CES
these guys like vive a little better because they wanna be able to walk around in their room, but they say the oculus has better visuals. Do note the cable, and the guys stepping over it.
What should the expectations for graphics to be like on these? Like modded Skyrim graphics or Rise of the Tomb Raider graphics or more like Minecraft graphics or what? I guess I mean, will AAA titles look AAA in this thing, or will they look more like Wii graphics? This isn't the most important thing I understand, but it is fairly high on my list.

Just a few videos from CES
these guys like vive a little better because they wanna be able to walk around in their room, but they say the oculus has better visuals. Do note the cable, and the guys stepping over it.

So in that second video they praise the Vive and you hold one to that thing that they said that they liked better with the Oculus? And the fact you can walk around is a HUGE deal and takes VR to a whole new level, but because there was a console called a Wii that became just a gimmick with its motion controls because they never took it too it's full potential then you just discard it? Just because you put the word '' Wii '' in your argument doesn't the Vive any less of a product.

The graphics got nothing to do with '' Wii graphics '' . A better comparison would be something like Team Fortress 2.

I think that the only ''AAA graphics'' game so far is Eve Valkyrie, which despite what many people think is Not an Oculus exclusive but will come out on Vive, Oculus and PlayStation VR.

But since there's already 1 game with those kind of graphics then it's safe to say that more games like it will be made.


15 x 15 is meant for whoever has space for it.
it's up to the developers to figure out how to scale the game for different sizes. Hover Junkers, for example, uses various different sized hover crafts to represent different room sizes.
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