I can't believe you guys are buying into this video card war crap

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Dec 5, 2008
All of these sales pitches like direct x 10 or 11 or 11.1 or 1.1 or whatever else you have are just gimmicks. They arent any less gimmicky than the nintendo wii doogle. You dont ntoice these little things in games because games like dirt move too fast anyway and you aren't gonna be concentrating on how some crowd moves. Plus, you are spending all this cash on 300 dollar video cards that are gonna be obselete in months when the next best thing gets marketed and comes along anyway that might not even be used like dx 10 but youll fork down the cash anyway. You people are no worse than the casual wii gamers you laugh at imo. Its all marketing. For me games that came up like 10 yrs ago look as good and are as fun to play if not more than most mdoern games. Im talking about games like giants, descent 3, quake 3 and its mods, everything else since than is just bells and whistles that don't need in games anyway or notice unless you look for it.
I think he ment to post here because most of us that overclock will discuss how awesome their pc is.

IMHO graphics make a game... I dont do the single player in most games, so the story line doesnt matter to me. Cod4 had a terrible storyline but awesome multiplayer, so it got rated really well. If you dont have the money to spend on discrete graphics, then just buy a wii. But pc gamers are nuts about performance and the likes.

Besides, everyone likes to brag about their hardware. Makes your virtual penis bigger. 😀

whats funny is someone can come to tom's hardware where people are allways talking about the newest of the newest and the best of the best computer hardware, and talk bad about new graphics cards!

Besides what graphics card war... We all know ATI is at the top of the market right now!!!
OP is full of it.

Trying playing diablo 2 on a 1920x1200 monitor, the game itself can't do past 800x600 and looks like hell. Unless you are still playing on a 15" CRT there is no way TEN YEAR old games still look good.


On a somewhat related note, I was at the Graphics of the Americas trade show in Miami yesterday, and out of the 100-some vendors there, only ONE had a booth babe! I felt kind of jipped!

That would be disappointing. Only 1 set of fake Fermi's at a graphics show!!!! :cry:
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