[SOLVED] I can't solve Minecraft server joining error code Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: I

Mar 30, 2020
When I tried to join my friends lan server the game gave this message : Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 27, Size: 5.
I tried everything. I uninstalled minecraft, the mods, fully uninstalled java and then I tried again but still didn't work. Then I thought Hamachi is not working properly, reinstalled it but nothing happened. I updated windows, checked internet settings, but everything seems fine. What else should I try? ( I'm sure that the game is working fine, something else will be the problem)
Please help me!
My friend had the same problem, his username was "spiderkidcrack", but I could enter the server, then I realized, because my name was shorter "Melixcl", so I made him an account with a shorter name " Spiderkid "and was able to enter the server.
In conclusion, you just have to make your username shorter or make a shorter one

Mi amigo tenía el mismo problema, su nombre de usuario era "spiderkidcrack", pero yo podía entrar al server, luego me di cuenta, porque mi nombre era más corto "Melixcl", así que le hice una cuenta con un nombre más corto "Spiderkid" y pudo entrar al server.
En conclusión solo tienes que hacer tu nombre de usuario más corto o hacer otro más corto.