[SOLVED] I have 120 pounds to spend on mobo and cpu help

Nov 6, 2018
I currently have an fm2+ motherboard and an a6 7400k

And I’m gonna chose a am3+ mobo and a fx 8350 but wanted to know if I could get better
Given it's an FM2+ motherboard and a prebuilt system, it seems fairly safe to assume there isn't a worthwhile upgrade. There is so little differentiation between the CPUs higher in the product stack making any upgrade difficult to justify financially.

To keep costs down would mean salvaging as much as possible for a 'new' build. To me this suggests a secondhand 4th gen Intel and compatible motherboard. I do anticipate an issue with Windows licence too which incurs its own cost.
Do not buy AM3 stuff right now, it's been obsolete for years. If you're gaming (which I'm assuming you are only because most people do), then I'd look at older intel hardware over an fx 8350 any day. Also, are you aware that the FX 8350 doesn't have a GPU, do you already have a discrete card?

1. How much DDR3 RAM do you have and what model is it?
2. Why do you need to upgrade
3. What do you want to do with the new hardware
4. Is saving up more money and buying something better an option

An fx 8350 cannot play modern games well at all anymore and would be a terrible investment. Since you said prebuilt this means we need to know all your current specs to even know if an upgrade is possible and the model number of the pc (unless with prebuilt you meant a costum built pc made for you and not an acer, hp, dell,... then there should be less trouble but still post your specs PSU IN DETAIL).

The fx 8350 gets beaten heavily in games by today's cheapest cpu's and therefor any fx series cpu should simply be avoided at all costs. Keep in mind that the fx 8350 launched 5 years ago and even then was not recommended by many for gaming due to the weak single core performance compared to intel options of the time. These cpu's have been struggling with games for a couple years now and are on the avoid list when buying used.
Given it's an FM2+ motherboard and a prebuilt system, it seems fairly safe to assume there isn't a worthwhile upgrade. There is so little differentiation between the CPUs higher in the product stack making any upgrade difficult to justify financially.

To keep costs down would mean salvaging as much as possible for a 'new' build. To me this suggests a secondhand 4th gen Intel and compatible motherboard. I do anticipate an issue with Windows licence too which incurs its own cost.

You be going from "old and crappy" to "old and very slightly less crappy".

Not anything to spend money on.

What you really want is "newer and not at all crappy".
This, however, requires a bit more money.
I believe the general consensus would be to save up enough for the core components of CPU, motherboard and RAM. £350 can get you a really nice entry point system.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2400G 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor (£130.99 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock - B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (£71.37 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws 4 Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (£120.04 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £322.40
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-11-07 19:22 GMT+0000

If you already have a discrete graphics card, there are other possibilities too.