Question I think I damaged the graphics card

Mar 1, 2019
Okay. So my specs are gtx 750 ti, i5-2400 8gb ram, 350w psu.
So today, I've decided to change my thermal paste on cpu and graphics card because I've been hitting 80c degrees and over on gpu (it has no pins) and up to 70c on cpu. I don't think cpu is the problem, cleaned it, applied thermal paste and didn't even touch the backside or pins on motherboard (did this many times before). On gpu however, I removed paste but there was paste all over (on little pins near gpu) so I cleaned it up and reapplied. But I noticed I somehow scrached the card and there is a bit copper showing but not touching one another ( 1 wire touching another) image: View:

The pc powers up normally, but after some time, it freezes and screen goes black but the pc doesn't shut off. I was runnig game and after about 3 minutes it went black but I could hear audio but controlls were unresponsive (could't hear when I attacked for example or moved in game via k&m). After it goes black and I try to power it back on, it doesn't work, black screen again and it doesn't show on screen at all. I have to wait awhile and re adjust gpu in pci-e slot. Can I somehow fix this ? I really don't wanna buy new card (actually can't) and I need the pc. Any help is appreciated.
Its hard to say, you might broke the trace, the trace is touching other trace...
Its hard to test actually what went wrong.
If you could try to use phone as microscope (zoom in and focus onto it) and see does the trace actually touch.

just in case , have you walked over carpet in some case?
I can't get the picture to zoom more but I can see that there is no connection, I just removed isolation that was on it. Though, I doubt I shorted it unpluged with statical electricity and I haven't walked over carpet. Ty for reply
Maybe the cooler didn't go back on properly and you're getting an overheating issue were it throttles itself until it crashes, have you checked the temperatures before it freezes?
I actually did monitor temps with speedfan and msi afterburner. They have actually gone down a bit so it doesn't overheat. Max on game 65c with 2 mins in it that I have been able to play