Question I upgraded my 1080 to a 4070 Ti but did not upgrade CPU. Experiencing huge hitches now, is there a way to fix this ?


May 5, 2018
I was originally running an 8700k, GTX 1080, and 32GB of RAM. I would get a pretty consistent 90-130 FPS in games, which was pretty good. I wanted to try and push the limits of my 165hz monitor though. I was lucky enough to get a 4070Ti, but I was not able to get a CPU upgrade to go with it. With the imbalance, I've noticed a new issue, where I get an extremely solid 160 FPS (this is where I lock it/limit it to in most games), but every 6-8 seconds, there is a HUGE hitch, with RTSS displaying 1% lows of 1-2 FPS.

Is there any way around this when you have a big imbalance between your GPU and CPU? I read the bottlenecking thread, but there isn't any information about my current setup, or about why it suddenly got so much worse when I upgraded the GPU.


May 5, 2018
Did you just drop the new card in or did you remove all driver and reinstall first?

What psu are you using (including make,model and age)?

What games are you getting the stuttering in?

I dropped the new GPU in and updated drivers after that. I was under the impression that DDU was only necessary when it came to switching from Nvidia to AMD or vice versa.

I'm using an EVGA G2 850W, purchased it with the GPU about 2 months ago.

All games. It's universal so far.
I dropped the new GPU in and updated drivers after that. I was under the impression that DDU was only necessary when it came to switching from Nvidia to AMD or vice versa.

I'm using an EVGA G2 850W, purchased it with the GPU about 2 months ago.

All games. It's universal so far.

Use DDU as it's free and only takes a few minutes wipe amd reinstall drivers.


I have never understood the comments of too much GPU for the CPU. Yes you will leave some performance on the table but you will get that back when you upgrade the CPU in the future. It always seems better to buy the best GPU you can when having the opportunity rather than going a tier or two down and requiring another upgrade a lot sooner.

I run a 9900k with a 4070 super so slightly better CPU / slightly worse GPU and I am not getting any of the issues that you are encountering. I have the feeling that the issue is elsewhere.

Out of interest - what resolution are you playing at?
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Jan 3, 2024
I have never understood the comments of too much GPU for the CPU. Yes you will leave some performance on the table but you will get that back when you upgrade the CPU in the future. It always seems better to buy the best GPU you can when having the opportunity rather than going a tier or two down and requiring another upgrade a lot sooner.
Yes, it's true. Every CPU + GPU pairing is unbalanced. Worst thing that can happen is the 4070 Ti is not utilized fully, ie. as much as it could be in a more expensive PC.

These issues are caused by something else.

How is the situation different if you don't lock 160 frames? Let it run as fast as it can because it seems it can very easily run at 165 most of the time. Just not always.
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but every 6-8 seconds, there is a HUGE hitch, with RTSS displaying 1% lows of 1-2 FPS.
Yeah, that's not from a CPU bottleneck, if the CPU was the issue you would get low FPS or general bad performance.
No CPU (with more that 1 core) is that bad that it would drop to 1-2FPS.
This could be your storage or something like page file, it has to empty out old stuff to read new stuff in, causing the whole system to stop for the duration, or maybe your anti virus decided that it has to check all the files.

Try to game in a window with task manager open and try to see if there is heavy activity from a different source, or if the game has high usage on disk or maybe network if it's an online game.


Do you think that would be background tasks utilising CPU resources whilst gaming?

Not just for background tasks / multitasking, system resources is very important playing games and when cpu isn't bogged down with other stuff that allows it to do more and that also includes providing graphics card more consistent frames. HT can help.

Games should be prioritised by the user anyway, as best they can if they want the very best experience with what they have, so having too much running in the background is sure way to reduce performance. Can't really do much in the way of disabling most services and wouldn't expect one to disable any anyway, i just mean no 3rd party apps, if at all - no discord, no monitoring or recording software unless really necessary but expect some performance penalties.
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Hi ethanpenn. In your situation, the bare minimum actions that I would take are listed below. Then only them would I continue with troubleshooting this issue.

Update BIOS
Update chipset drivers (management engine)
Remove existing GPU drivers with DDU
Install Nvidia drivers only with options:
Advanced -> custom -> <uncheck> Nvidia Audio option, so it doesn't change input/output driver defaults in Discord, etc.
<uncheck> Geforce Experience for the time being.
Discord: Turn off Debug Logging, which is a form of telemetry / analytics. It can cause severe performance issues in a handful of games.
User Settings -> Voice & Video -> Debug Logging -> Turn off radio button.
XMP: After you re-confirm that RAM is in proper slots indicated in motherboard manual, then re-enable XMP for RAM.