Question I want to see if my PC shuts itself down with my new GPU due to power supply wattage being inadequate, is that okay?


Jul 10, 2014
Will it damage my parts if I install my GPU and find out my PSU wattage isn't enough for my new GPU and shuts my PC down? I know that's a safety precaution so it would probably be okay, I just want to figure it out before I spend money on a new PSU which is why I want to know if it'll damage anything if I try.

Will it damage my parts if I install my GPU and find out my PSU wattage isn't enough for my new GPU and shuts my PC down? I know that's a safety precaution so it would probably be okay, I just want to figure it out before I spend money on a new PSU which is why I want to know if it'll damage anything if I try.

To start, we need a FULL list of ALL the parts in this system.
Make/model of everything.