i5 - 2400 bottlenecking gtx780?


Feb 21, 2012
i now have a gtx460 and i wanna upgrade to a new gpu, to be more future proof i wanna go with a gtx780. but will my i5 - 2400 bottleneck my new gpu?

im thinking about upgrading my cpu the next 6 to 12 months.


No. The 2400 is a very fast chip. Even with a GTX 780, the bottleneck will still be the GPU. Sure, you will get higher average framerates with a faster CPU but it will not improve your gaming experience at all. That is because the higher averages are only due to enormous maximum frame rates that are achieved when the GPU isn't doing much at all. The thing that determines the quality of your gaming experience is what happens when there is a heavy scene that causes framerates to become choppy. In this...


Oct 5, 2010

No. The 2400 is a very fast chip. Even with a GTX 780, the bottleneck will still be the GPU. Sure, you will get higher average framerates with a faster CPU but it will not improve your gaming experience at all. That is because the higher averages are only due to enormous maximum frame rates that are achieved when the GPU isn't doing much at all. The thing that determines the quality of your gaming experience is what happens when there is a heavy scene that causes framerates to become choppy. In this situation it's the GPU that counts - far more than the CPU. I'd recommend sticking with your i5 2400. Nothing has yet been released that's enough of an improvement to deserve an upgrade, IMO.

Remember, that if you have a P or a Z motherboard, you can over clock your 2400. Despite what you will hear (that you can't over clock it), you can. By increasing the turbo frequency by up to 400MHz, you can get a nice little speed boost. Simple and requires no technical knowledge.