Question I5 9300H after repaste has 10-15 degree core difference


Sep 16, 2019
As said my processor has 4c/8t . Before repasting every core hit 95-100c during stress tests with 60W Pl . After repaste I pretty much got my core 2 and core 3 down to high 70s to mid 80s but core 0 and core 1 remains at 90-94 c .Under combined load of gpu and cpu per say while gaming ..Core 2 and 3 remains cool as cucumber at 45 watts and gpu at 67c (rtx2060). I used coolermaster mastergel pro for repasting .I don't know what would be the problem . Maybe mounting pressure ?
Hi Spock
I aint well versed with cpus but i did repaste the dies two times already . Tried line method first and spread method at second. the cpu can indeed hit 4ghz eventhough staying at 90 as only first 2 cores are that bad the other 2 cores are perfectly fine Just stays at 75-80 eventhough it gets more workload than first 2 cores