Question i7 10700k gets too hot!


Jul 9, 2021
Hello guys, heres my System:

Win 10 Home
i7 10700k not OC
Motherboard: MPG Z490 Gaming Plus (Newest Bios Version)
32 GB RAM Corsair Vengeance
650 W Corsair PSU
2 SSDs ( 250GB, 1 TB), 1 HDD (750 GB)
RTX 2070 Super Asus Dual EVO Advanced
CPU Cooler: BeQuiet Dark Rock 4 Pro
Case: Bequiet Pure Base 600 (with the 2 Stock Fans)

I just reinstalled Windows 10, updated all Drivers (Windows Updates, Chipset Drivers etc.)

and my i7 10700k idles at 55 Celsius Degrees most of the time. it weirdly jumps from 52-55 all the time, and CPU Frequence (Clock) is 4700 MHZ all the Time.
I have the Windows Energy Options on Balanced.
I applied a fairly big dot on the CPU (Grizzly Thermal Paste) and applied the CPU Cooler.
I dont know what I can do anymore, its just too hot.
My room temperature is 25 Celsius Degrees.
Thanks for the help!
i would definitely remove the large drive trays and add another 140mm intake to the front.
and another 120mm exhaust to the top, maybe removing the top plate.
also be sure you have good fan curves in place for the Dark Rock's & the case fans.

besides assuring that the cooler is positioned and tightened properly there's not much more you can do hardware-wise.
that is one of the best air coolers out there so you should be reaching much lower idle temps.

sitting at 4.7GHz all the time could be a symptom of software issues causing this.
maybe it is not "idling" when you think it is.
keep an eye on Task Manager and see what the CPU, Memory, & disk usage % are reaching at random times when it should be idling.

you should make sure the Intel stepping & c-states are working properly.
dropping to 800Mhz when idle can really help to reduce the temps some of the time.
and maybe setup your own Power Plan so that the PCIe, drive control, and other power options aren't undermining your performance.
@punkncat Yeah GPU Temp stays at 54 celsius idle, altough when I tested it with a B450 Gaming Plus MoBo and a Ryzen 7 3700x it was 37 Celsius Idle, very weird.

@JohnBonhamsGhost Do you have any idea for good fan curves? I have no clue how to adjust it. Im litteraly a pc noob.
If 4.7 GHZ is a software issue, but how? I just reinstalled WIN 10 and installed all drivers.
In Task Manager Cpu Workload is at 10 Percent.
What are Intel stepping and c states? And how can I drop to 800 Mhz?
What are Intel stepping and c states? And how can I drop to 800 Mhz?
Intel's default core clocks are set to run at variable clock speeds depending on how much CPU is necessary.
800Mhz is the default lowest speed most run at when very minimal CPU usage is needed.

these settings are mainly configured in the BIOS.
you could either search for how to manipulate these settings in your particular BIOS or you should just be able to load the Optimized Defaults.

but your Windows Power Plan can also affect this:
Control Panel > Power Options
there's a setting in the advanced options for Processor management.
this should be set Minimum: 5% \ Cooling: Active \ Maximum: 100%.
Do you have any idea for good fan curves? I have no clue how to adjust it.
can either be done in the BIOS,
through the motherboard manufacturer's control software,
or through some 3rd party fan control software.

i always start mine with:
25% @ 30°C \ 40% @ 50° \ 70% @ 60°
and adjust from there based on the outcome.
Your CPU could be running that speed in reference to downloading and updating all the goodies related to a fresh install. Did you just create a new USB installer from the Microsoft site with the latest version of your OS, or use something you had on hand a bit older?

Edit- did you ever check the CPU utilization as @logainofhades suggested? did I miss it?
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@JohnBonhamsGhost Control Panel -> Power Options was already all set as you mentioned.
Yeah I even set the curve to 70 Percent at 50 Celsius Degree and nothing changes, i dont get it.

@punkncat @All Ok right now, as only Microsoft Edge with this tab is open and the MSI Dragon Center, and nothing downloading, it says CPU Temperature 41 Celsius but CPU Frequency 4800 MHz. (which always jumps up and down from 4700-800)
And CPU Temperature jumps from 40-42.
When downloading a Game from Steam then, it jumps to 60 Celsius then back to 55 and then to 50, and then again to 55. This is weird right? And CPU Workload jumps from 8-13 Percent
Yeah I Created a USB Installer from the Microsoft site with my OS, the latest version.
And when you say CPU Utilization do you mean MCE, should I turn that off?
Control Panel -> Power Options was already all set as you mentioned.
but if the BIOS isn't also set correctly, than it won't make a difference.
when you say CPU Utilization do you mean MCE, should I turn that off?
CPU utilization is the % of usage i asked about earlier.

but turning off MCE, ABT, & TVB could possibly help.
first load Optimized Defaults,
set XMP to 2 if available, 1 if not.
then disable the 3 settings mentioned.
@JohnBonhamsGhost OK and disabling these 3 settings in the BIOS will do no harm right? And where do I find the settings? And what is XMP, should I turn that off? Sorry for that many questions but its complicated 😀
and because of the Control Panel ->Power Options how can you set it correctly in the BIOS?
no, disabling those settings can cause no harm whatsoever.
MCE(Multi-core Enhancement), ABT(Active Boost Technology), & TVB(Thermal Velocity Boost) are all Intel tech designed to give you leniency in turbo boost & overclocking options.

you will have to do some BIOS manipulation research particularly for your specific motherboard.
you may find some articles\manuals regarding it here at Tom's but i'm not into writing tutorials.

those specific settings should be very easy to "Google".
Ok thank you John.

So I played a bit of Red Dead Online with a few settings on ultra, then high and medium.
I get 50-70 FPS, and GPU Temperature stays at 70 Celsius most of the time, workload is 99 Percent
The CPU Workload always jumps, and the highest spike so far was 77 Percent. CPU Temperature while gaming tough is between 62-70 Celsius most of the time. But according to MSI Afterburner the highest spike was 80 Celsius, and MSI Afterburner reads 6-7 Degree Celsius higher temperatures than the MSI Dragon Center. So who can I trust?
but MSI Dragon Center only showed the highest temp of 72 Celsius. So is that good or bad?
Ok so I disabled Intel Turbo Boost in the BIOS.
In Idle I get this temps now, when having a browser open (While writing this): 41-47 Degrees, ocassionally jumps to 47 Degrees dont know why. Max CPU Frequency is now 3,8 GhZ. At least it has improved a bit. Is it still too high for my Dark Rock 4 Pro Cooler?
BTW the CPU Frequency always jumps up and down from 800-3800 MHz is that normal? Or when opening a Site like twitch for example the temp jumps high 47 Degrees and goes down. Is that normal?
To me, Dragon Center is terrible software. I see my wife who is an IT fuss around with it, Windows updates constantly breaking it, then it needing it's own update. If it was up to me I'd just uninstall it.

Speaking of which, you could have some unwanted Windows updates or telemetry going on that is keeping your cores from properly ramping down to idle. Combine that with 14nm++++++++ and Intel pumping frequency to the edge and this is getting more common to see. Most people don't notice because they aren't looking at temperature software, so good on you for being aware.
@damric Ok so you would suggest deinstalling the Windows Updates, and see if its better?
So would you say Dragon Center reads the temps not as accurate as MSI Afterburner?
Now 10 min into Red Dead Online I get 55 Celsius, thats better than before. Lets see how it will be after a while of gaming this intensive game. And in Idle mostly 42 Celsius Degrees. But as I said when opening a tab or something it ramps up to 47 , dont know why
Ok so the max Temperature according to Afterburner for the GPU was 69 Celsius , and for the CPU 63 Celsius. While playing Red Dead Online. Is that acceptable? Or should I try to increase the fancurve or change the cooler?
But the idle temperature of 41-43 Celsius with spikes to 47 is what concerns me most. Any way I can fix that?
the max Temperature according to Afterburner for the GPU was 69 Celsius , and for the CPU 63 Celsius
that is perfectly normal for your average setup.
with better case airflow like i described earlier this could also be lowered significantly.
should I try to increase the fancurve or change the cooler?
there's not much better you can get cooler-wise.
some AIOs or an elaborate custom liquid cooling system may get slightly better temps but the money & the effort probably wouldn't be worth the difference you would see.

you can always boost the fans as high as you want.
most just shoot for a balance between temperature and noise produced.
I disabled Intel Turbo Boost in the BIOS.
you shouldn't disable Turbo Boost.
just those specific technologies mentioned earlier.

there's really no point in having the 10700K if you're going to disable turbo boost, downclock the frequency, or use other methods to reduce it's performance.
you may as well have bought an i5 non "K" & a B460 board.
the CPU Frequency always jumps up and down from 800-3800 MHz is that normal?
this is exactly what was discussed earlier and why you wanted to ensure that c-states were active.

the frequency of the processor clocks up & down depending on the amount of processing needed.
for light tasks it will clock down to 800Mhz which will reduce temperature and wear on the CPU.
there will be up to 8 "steps" from 800Mhz to your max clock frequency depending on the CPU usage.

because of this you may see the temperature spike up & down along with the CPU frequency.
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Ok so I was playing Red Dead Online for maybe 30 minutes. The CPU max temperature was 63, the GPU Temperature 69.
I was enabling a fan curve for the GPU via Afterburner, and it is now 64 Degrees most of the time while gaming, this should be fine right? I mean yeah the fans are louder but I guess thats the sacrifice I have to make.
So now while writing this, with Afterburner and Dragon Center open, I have about 42-49 Degrees in idle which jumps when I open a tab for example . GPU Temp is now at 41 at Idle.
So as I dont want to mess with those Mhz Stuff, there should be an Optimized Settings Option in the Bios, so that it not always will clock up and down right? Or is this in the Dragon Center? And by ensure that c states are active you mean enable the Optimized Settings Option right, which I have to find?!
In the Dragon Center I have Balanced and Gaming Mode ON enabled.

About the Intel Turbo Boost. As I disabled it, the Clock now goes only to max 3,8 Ghz instead of 4,8 Ghz and the CPU temps are better. Should I not leave it at that, or will it decrease my gaming performance a lot?
Ok so I disabled Intel Turbo Boost in the BIOS.
In Idle I get this temps now, when having a browser open (While writing this): 41-47 Degrees, ocassionally jumps to 47 Degrees dont know why. Max CPU Frequency is now 3,8 GhZ. At least it has improved a bit. Is it still too high for my Dark Rock 4 Pro Cooler?
So you have Turbo boost disabled now? Don't do that. An i7-10700K limited to its 3.8 GHz base clock is going to perform worse than an i3 most games. Even an i3-10100F has a 4.1GHz all-core boost, albeit with fewer cores. Turbo boost is a standard feature required for these processors to perform as intended (unless one is overclocking them so that they are effectively boosting all the time).

I don't really see what the problem was either. Idle temperatures in the 50s are not anywhere remotely close to being harmful to a processor, and even getting around 80 under heavy load is well within the design tolerances for modern CPUs. I wouldn't be too concerned about the long-term health of the processor unless temperatures are regularly getting around 90 in normal use. And even then, the processor should automatically throttle performance to prevent itself from reaching temperatures that are likely to harm it.
@cryoburner Ah ok I thought because John said I should disable MCE to get better performance. And as I was researching, I think MCE means Intel Turbo Boost for this board. And many say you should disable it because the CPU otherwise gets too hot.
And when the Option Turbo Boost was enabled, I was getting 4,8 Ghz and the Idle temps for the i7 were 55, with ocassinally even 60!!!
And while gaming I was getting 70-76.

Now without the Intel Boost, im Getting 41-47 while idling, and 60 while gaming. I mean thats much better right?
And what do you think about the spikes as John mentioned, because it goes from 800 Mhz-3,8 GhZ up and down, and apparantly that wears down the CPU. Do you know where I can find the Optimized Settings Option in the Bios, or is that a more complicated matter?