I have a nice gaming rig that i just built last month and that has been running well untill recently. I have an Intel Core i7-2600k (OC @ 4.0 GHZ). The processor is only using one core no matter what i'm doing, Running starcraft i only get 15 FPS with crossfired 6950's when core 1 is at 100% core 2 @ 0% (Absolutly no graph in task manager) Core 3 @ 10-20% and core 4 again at 0%. I dont see what the problem is, I have not changed any settings in the lst week that would have caused this to happen.
Heres a pic of the task manager at idle, Looks the same except core 1 is all the way at the top after playing a game of SCII: http://dangermce.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=138623441
Heres a pic of the task manager at idle, Looks the same except core 1 is all the way at the top after playing a game of SCII: http://dangermce.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=138623441