I currently have an i7 8700T that seems to be failing (constant BSOD's and hanging especially during times of high file I/O despite clean install of Windows 10). So I figured it's time I upgrade to something much better and more reliable. What's the ideal CPU for an LGA 1151-300 board when being used for gaming and video rendering? I was looking at the 9700 CPU's but I realized the 9th gen i7's lack hyper threading which to my understanding is beneficial for things like video rendering. However, the 8th gen CPU price seems to higher now than the 9th gen... So what's the ideal CPU I can get without breaking the bank either (the i9 is a bit out of my budget). I don't do a lot of crazy rendering though so I am open to a non HT CPU or even a 6 core i5 9600K. But I'm just not sure how much of a performance loss I'm looking at compared to a 6 core 12 thread i7 8700T.